Newcastle 2025-01-24

Steve Hinchan 56

Series of assaults on a victim in the 1990s.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-6636


Grosvenor Court, Chapel Park, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE5


A sex offender from Newcastle has been jailed after a series of assaults on a victim in the 1990s.

Steve Hinchan's victim has been living with the impact of his crimes, but after she bravely reported the abuse to police, an investigation was launched in 2021, by the Northumbria Police Safeguarding Department.

Hinchan, 56, attended a police station to be interviewed, denying the allegations put towards him. Later in the year, he was charged with five counts of indecent assault, as the offences took place before the Sexual Offences Act was introduced in 2003.

He continued to deny the allegations during a trial at Newcastle Crown Court, and in November, a jury found him guilty of all offences. Last Friday, Hinchan, of Grosvenor Court, Newcastle, was handed a seven-and-a-half-year prison sentence, and he will also remain on the sex offenders register for the rest of his life.

Speaking after the sentencing, the victim said: "The term ‘historical’ does not accurately describe the abuse I endured, and I do not identify with the label ‘survivor.’ Both terms suggest that the abuse is confined to my past, but for me, the fear and anxiety remain an everyday reality.

"I feel perpetually trapped in states of fight, flight, and freeze, unable to fully escape the shadow of what happened. Since the day the abuse began, I have felt as though I’ve been infected with an incurable disease, as I lived in shame and secrecy, unable to share the full extent of the abuse with anyone.

"His words, that no-one would believe me, imprisoned me in a pit of silence for almost 30 years. I have now had to accept that no amount of therapy, medication or time will erase what he did to me.

"What was taken from me has altered the course of my life irreversibly. No sentence can undo this damage, but I hope this process will provide some finality, allowing me to begin a new chapter."

The officer leading the investigation, Detective Sergeant Barbara Callaghan, added: "I hope this case shows other people out there who may be hesitant to come forward that it’s never too late to seek justice.

"The victim battled with the consequences of Hinchan’s horrific crimes for most of her life, but bravely disclosed what happened to police, allowing us to take action. Her voice has now been heard loud and clear, and because of her that a dangerous man is in prison.

"No-one should have to go through anything like this, and I'd urge anyone who has been a victim of any form of sexual offending to reach out, whether it happened yesterday, or decades ago. There is no time limit on support, we’re here for you."

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