Warwickshire 2024-09-30

Simon Garnett 52

Appalling predator hid spy camera in his shower to film guests.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-6366


St Fremund Way, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31


A grim predator hid a spy camera in his shower to film guests. When confronted by one of his victims, Simon Garnett said it was 'just a cheap thrill, it’s just a bit of voyeurism'.

But the alarming extent of this unravelled when the guest, who had noticed two LED lights in a clock radio while he was showering, saw the footage. The victim had fled Garnett's house in St Fremund Way but the 52-year-old persuaded him to come back so they could ‘destroy the memory card together'.

Later that evening, the victim watched the footage and saw themselves – and several other victims showering on different occasions. He raised the alarm with police and detectives launched an investigation.

As a result, three other victims were identified and contacted. In police interview, Garnett answered ‘no comment’ to almost all questions.


But he was charged with eight counts of voyeurism and at Warwick Crown Court on Monday, September 30, he was sentenced to 15 months in prison. The case has been described as 'appalling' by Detective Constable Claire Scott, who praised his victims who helped ensure he ended up behind bars.

"Garnett tried to play his predatory behaviour down by branding it a ‘cheap thrill’," DC Scott said. "This was an appalling string of offences that saw Garnett abuse the trust of friends – and I am glad the courts have imposed a custodial sentence.

"I would like to thank the four victims, whose help has ensured that Garnett is held accountable for his actions."

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