Kent 2015-06-11

Mark Lloyd 56

Pervert committed sex abuse on three children over several years.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-6207


Victoria Avenue, Westgate-On-Sea, Kent, CT8


A Thanet man has been given a 12-year extended sentence for a string of child sex offences going back many years.

Mark Lloyd, 47, of Westgate on Sea, sat passively in the dock as one of his victims watched from the public gallery at Canterbury Crown Court just a few feet away.

Lloyd, of Victoria Road, Westgate On Sea had been found guilty of nine child sex offences after a trial at Canterbury Crown Court last month.

The court also heard that when police raided his home they discovered he was growing 72 cannabis plants in three rooms.

The pervert pleaded guilty to cultivating the drug but denied the sex offences.

He was given a 12-year extended sentence made up of a nine-year jail term and an extra three years on licence.

Judge Heather Norton told him he wont be eligible for parole until 2021 and will have to serve up to six years on licence when released.

The judge told him that he posed a significant risk of committing future sex offences against children and the public needed protecting.

Judge Norton said his victims are suffering and will continue to suffer from some years to come.

She added: You have shown no pity or remorse, no insight whatsoever for your offences.

The offences relate to three young victims and took place more than 10 years ago.

Lloyd declined to comment when officers interviewed him about the abuse which took place after he had been drinking and also failed to take to the stand in court at his trial.

The court heard how, following the report of the assaults to Kent Police, officers searched Lloyds home in September 2014 and found 72 cannabis plants growing in the spare room, bedroom and loft.

Also seized from his house were two books on horticulture and how to grow cannabis, two sets of scales, a safe, numerous clear plastic bags, latex gloves and various fertilisers.

"You have shown no pity or remorse, no insight whatsoever for your offences" - Judge Heather Norton

Investigating officer Detective Sergeant Paul Deslandes of Kent Police said: "I would like to commend the victims in this case for their bravery in coming forward to disclose their abuse, in what has been a very emotional time for them all.

"Lloyds abuse has not only affected the victims but also their families and I hope that all those involved can finally begin to move on with their lives, knowing that Lloyd will be behind bars for the foreseeable future."

Lloyd was told he will be on the Sex Offenders' Register for life and was made subject to a sexual harm prevention order to stop him being alone or working with children.

After Lloyd left to start his sentence, Judge Norton praised the victim for her courage and thanked her for attending the sentencing.

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