Cheshire 2024-08-16

Jack Bradshaw 29

Pervert jailed for encouraging girl to perform sex act.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-6157


Hartwell Grove, Winsford, Cheshire, CW7


A PERVERT has been jailed for a total of 15 years after encouraging a nine-year-old girl to perform a sex act.

Jack Bradshaw, of Hartwell Grove, Winsford, appeared at Chester Crown Court on Thursday, August 8, for sentencing on eight sexual offence charges involving children.

The 29-year-old had previously denied all but one of the offences, but changed his plea to guilty at a court hearing on April 30 earlier this year.

At the latest hearing, Chester Crown Court heard Bradshaw had initiated a sexual chat with a nine-year-old girl in 2021 and 'intentionally incited' her to engage in sex acts.

Two years later in 2023, Bradshaw began communicating with another girl, aged 12, and again the chat was sexual, referencing genitalia.

He also tried to get the girl to look at an image of a person engaging in sexual activity, for his own gratification.

Following his arrest, Bradshaw was charged with five counts of inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity, two counts of engaging in sexual communication with a child and one charge of inciting a child under 13 to look at an image of sexual activity.

Judge Steven Everett handed Bradshaw an initial sentence of 11 years, four months before extending it by three years.

A further eight-month jail term, to be added consecutively, was imposed for the charge of inciting a child to look at a sexual activity image.

Judge Everett also made a forfeiture and destruction order in respect to seized items, such as several mobile phones and a sex toy.

Bradshaw was placed on the sex offender register indefinitely and made the subject of a lifetime sexual harm prevention order.

This bans him from living in the same household as any child under 16, or entering and remaining in any household where a child under 16 is present, unless he has the express approval of Social Services.

He is also prohibited from having unsupervised contact or communication with any child under 16 unless, it is inadvertent and not reasonably avoidable in daily life, or he has consent of the child's parent or guardian, who has knowledge of his convictions.

As part of the order Bradshaw is not allowed to use any device capable of accessing the internet unless he notifies police, among other conditions.

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