Northampton 2024-06-06

Steven Grosvenor 51

Registered sex offender has been sent back to prison after he failed to disclose his conviction to a new employer.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5881


Not reported.


A 51-year-old registered sex offender has been sent back to prison after he failed to disclose his conviction to a new employer.

As a registered sex offender, Steven Grosvenor, previously of Northampton, was expected to abide by very strict conditions as part of his release.

However, in March this year, he applied for a job in Northampton and failed to disclose his criminal history to the recruitment agency.

Having been given the job, he was then provided with a mobile phone for work purposes which had the ability to connect to the internet. He then failed to disclose this to police as per the requirements of his Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO).

Grosvenor was arrested and subsequently charged with one count of fraud by false representation and one count of breaching his SHPO.

After pleading guilty to the offences at Northampton Crown Court at the end of last month (May 31), he was sentenced to one year and four months in prison.

Detective Sergeant Tom Curlett-New of Northamptonshire Police’s MOSOVO Team said: “I am really pleased with the result of this case and the fact that we managed to utilise the Fraud Act meaning the sentence was longer than usual.

“This is all down to the work of PC Dani Wilton and I’d like to thank her for her diligence and determination which achieved this result.

“Our team will always endeavour to do what we can to support and encourage people who have been released from prison to gain employment. However, when breaches occur, we take a zero-tolerance approach to ensuring offenders are brought to justice.”

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