London 2024-04-24

Shaheen Chishti 54

Stalker harassed woman for 7 years, threatened to drown her and even messaged her mum.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5785


Foxglove Street, Shepherds Bush, West London, W12


A stalker has been jailed after harassing a woman for seven years. Shaheen Chishti, 54, of Foxglove Street, Shepherds Bush, started stalking a woman he met in 2016, sending sexually harassing emails and messages on social media.

Six years later he continued to message the victim and threatened to drown her, even contacting her mother. In December 2016 after the first lot of unwanted emails and messages, the victim reported Chishti to the police.

He was handed a police caution but continued to message her on social media and from multiple phone numbers. In September 2022 Chishti contacted the victim again after getting ahold of her personal details.

In 2023 he contacted the victim's mother and detailed sexual acts that he intended to carry out and threatened to throw the victim into water as he knew she could not swim. The victim notified the police that Chishti breached his conditions on January 23, 2023 and informed officers that he would be returning to the UK from India.

When he landed in the UK he was arrested and had two mobiles seized. He was bailed under investigation and given strict conditions not to contact the victim.

When investigating, the Met found an extensive number of messages from Chishti to the victim. There were a large number of threats to both her and her family from the past seven years.

Despite his new conditions, Chishti continued to try to communicate with the victim and was arrested on October 5, 2023. On Wednesday, April 24 he was found guilty of stalking with fear of violence and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment.

Police Constable Helen Constantinou, one of the officers responsible for policing Hammersmith & Fulham, said: “Officers worked hard to ensure that Chishti faced justice for the persistent stalking and harassment he inflicted on his victim. We know that some stalking victims are scared to come forward to report these crimes to the police.

"However, I would encourage anyone who believes they are being stalked or harassed to report this to the police or the National Stalking Helpline. This result shows we can and will pursue those who break the law and ensure those at risk are kept safe.”

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