Bradford 2024-05-08

Andrew Bristow 55

Child rapist pleaded guilty to further sexual assaults on another vulnerable girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5747


No fixed address.


A CONVICTED child rapist serving a 10-year sentence in prison has been told he will not be released until 2035 after pleading guilty to further sexual assaults on another vulnerable girl, which he recorded on his mobile phone.

Bradford Crown Court heard how Andrew Bristow, 55, formerly of Bradford, enticed the girl into his flat in Calderdale, over a seven-week period where she was stripped, photographed, and sexually assaulted by him and another man, Michael Peters.

Prosecutor Joel Wootton said the girl’s mouth was covered “to stop her from screaming”. She was also assaulted in Peters’ nearby bungalow.

After abusing the girl they dressed her, gave her a sweet, and told her not to tell her parents.

The crimes only came to light more than five years ago after the duo, described as “partners in paedophilic abuse” were jailed for the earlier rape of a young girl.

Peters, who was 71 when he was jailed, has since died.

Mr Wootten said: “[The latest victim] did not tell anyone what had happened as she describes being scared and feared that she would be the one in trouble.”

The court heard that Bristow had been assessed by the probation service as “a high and imminent risk to children”.

Mitigating for Bristow, who pleaded guilty to six offences on three occasions, Michael Collins said he was “remorseful” and “sorry for what he had done”.

He added: “He really struggles to deal with recounting the facts of his offending because he is ashamed and embarrassed by it.”

He said Bristow had engaged fully with the process of rehabilitation in prison and had attended a sex offenders’ course.

Sentencing Bristow, Mr Recorder David Kelly said: “Together with the now deceased Peters you groomed and abused your young victim by sexually touching her and inciting her to engage in sexual activity with you both.

“The offending took place over a seven-week period and was predatory in nature.

“It was committed for your own sexual gratification and without the slightest concern for the long-term trauma this was bound to have caused her.

“You recorded your sexual activity, and shared it with Peters, on your mobile phone.”

Taking note of Bristow’s current sentence of ten years and eight months, which would have seen his conditional release on licence on May 17, 2026, Recorder Kelly imposed an extended custodial sentence of 11 years.

He added: “That means you will either be in prison or on licence until May 6, 2035. It also means that you will not be eligible to be released from the custodial term until you have served two-thirds of that sentence.

“You will then be on licence for the remainder of the custodial term plus the five years extension period.”

Bristow is already the subject of an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

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