London 2024-04-30

Robert Morgan, Adam Dennis 32,38

Men who filmed 6,000 people in bathrooms and swimming pool changing rooms.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5716


Bradmore Park Road, Hammersmith, West London, W6 & Ernest Fitches Way, Littlehampton BN17


Two men who secretly photographed members of the public in swimming pools in London and the south west of England have been sentenced following an extensive British Transport Police (BTP) investigation into significant public voyeurism.

Adam Dennis, 38, of Ernest Fitches Way, Littlehampton, and Robert Morgan, 32, and of Bradmore Park, London were sentenced to a combined 42 months at Inner London Crown Court on 24 April.

Dennis had previously pled guilty to conspiracy to one count of voyeurism, one count of conspiracy to make indecent photographs of a child, one count of conspiracy to distribute indecent photographs of a child and one count of possessing indecent photographs of a child. He was sentenced to 22 months imprisonment, to serve half and spend the remainder on licence.

Morgan had previously pled guilty to one count of voyeurism, one count of conspiracy to make indecent photographs of a child, one count of conspiracy to distribute an indecent photograph of a child, three counts of possessing indecent photographs of a child, one count of possessing a prohibited image of a child, and one count of possession of a controlled drug. He received a 20 month sentence, suspended for 2 years, as well as 120 hours unpaid work and attendance to a rehab programme.

Both men are also subject to a 9 year Sexual Harm Prevention Order with the following prohibitions: 

To not share any images showing the genitals of any woman or female child via the internet or file sharing application, including (but not limited to) email and / or social media apps
To not enter any female only or mixed sex changing room area of any swimming pool or leisure centre.
To not contact each other, including via the internet or telephone. 
To not communicate in any way with any other person that he knows or has reasonable suspicion that that person has received a conviction, caution, reprimand or warning in respect of sexual offences against children under 18 years of age.
The two men came to detectives’ attention as a result of a separate investigation into an assault, which happened on board a train in March 2017, where a mobile device was seized. They were both subsequently arrested for voyeurism offences in November 2017.

Forensic examination of items seized from their addresses showed covert filming of victims using the bathroom and images of victims in changing room cubicles. Online chats showed them sharing and trading images of victims filmed covertly in swimming pool changing rooms and creating profile documents for them.

Officers have been able to trace a number of victims, some who were children at the time of the footage being captured, to inform them of the investigation. None of those who were spoken to were aware of being filmed or had given anyone permission to film them whilst they were getting changed. The investigation flagged at least 6000 potential victims and detectives have identified a number of these, however a large number of the photos are unidentifiable.

Investigating officer, Detective Sergeant Claire Jackson-Harwood, said: “This has been a long running investigation with officers working tirelessly to ensure the victims get the justice they deserve. Dennis and Morgan’s insidious actions will have a life-long impact on the victims who were preyed upon while they innocently enjoyed a hobby.

“They have given no thought to the victims and simply acted for their own gratification. Not satisfied with just recording the images, they have worked together to go on and create profile documents and researched their victims on social media. These actions make this offending even more shocking. I hope this outcome gives the victims the closure they deserve.”

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