Blackpool 2019-04-10

Christopher Rixon 47

Former youth club director who repeatedly raped a teenage girl during campaign of sexual abuse.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5662


Holmfield Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY2


A former youth club director who repeatedly raped a teenage girl during a "campaign of sexual abuse" has been jailed for 20 years.

Christopher Rixon, from Blackpool, was convicted of eight counts of rape and six counts of sexual assault.

Rixon, 42, denied the offences, claiming he began a relationship with the victim when she was 16 and it was consensual.

Lancashire Police said it was "lies" and he was a "dangerous predator".

'No remorse'

The offences took place at Monty's Youth Club in the town in 2010.

Rixon, of Holmfield Road, was also found guilty of two counts of inciting a girl aged between 13-15 to engage in sexual activity after a trial at Preston Crown Court.

Simon Morris, of Lancashire Police, said: "I am glad the jury saw through Christopher Rixon's lies, and saw him for the dangerous sexual predator he is.

"I can't overstate the impact that his actions had on the victim, and she must be commended for showing immense bravery in reporting Rixon to us.

"He has shown no remorse by denying the offences, forcing her to go through the ordeal of a trial."

He added: "I am pleased he is now behind bars where he belongs."

Rixon was cleared of two counts of rape of a girl over 16 and two counts of sexual touching of a child relating to a separate girl.

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