Devon 2024-04-01

Alistair Perry 52

Former Girls School headteacher guilty of indecently assaulting teen girl.

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Offender ID: O-5527


Colaton Raleigh, East Devon, EX10


Former Colston's Girls' School headteacher guilty of indecently assaulting teen girl
Alistair Perry had been at Colston’s Girls’ School for nearly 20 years and rose to become its headteacher.

The former headteacher of one of Bristol’s best schools has been found guilty of indecently touching a 16-year-old girl on her breasts and private parts.

Alistair Perry, the former headteacher at Colston’s Girls’ School, stood accused at Cardiff Crown Court of two counts of indecent assault of a 16-year-old girl in his home in Weston-super-Mare.

The attacks, which took place in 2000, did not come to light until 2016 when the girl agreed to let her psychiatrist break patient confidentiality to tell the police.

A former pupil of Perry at Colston’s Girls’ School also told the court the former history teacher was well-known for “looking down people’s tops” and made sexual jokes in classes.

The jury returned after a five-day trial and found him guilty on both counts.

As it happened: Colston's Girls' School headteacher on trial for touching teen
Perry has been granted bail and will be sentenced at a later date. He has also been ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register.

Perry offered to tutor the girl
Alistair Perry, former headteacher at Colston's Girls' School is in court
The court heard how Perry had offered to tutor the girl in maths, despite being a history teacher in Bristol.

Struggling with her GCSE revision, her parents - who Perry got to know in church - agreed. But when she got there he moved her to his bedroom from the study and started massaging her shoulders.

He then slid his hands down under her bra, massaging her breasts before spinning her round and trying to kiss her.

But she shook her head from side to side, avoiding his unwanted approaches, before he suddenly stopped and apologised to her.

He invited her to babysit
Shortly after the first attack, he invited her to come round to babysit his one-year-old son.

The married dad - who was serving in the worship group in church and described himself as a staunch Christian - told her parents he was going to a church home group with his wife.

But when the victim turned up, Mrs Perry said her husband needed to do marking and would join her at the group later.

Colston’s Girls’ School governors defend former Bristol headteacher accused of touching girl
A short time later, he came downstairs and called his wife to say he was not going to make it.

That same night he picked the girl up and put her on his lap. He then “touched her all over”, the court was told, placing his hands under her bra on her breasts and into her knickers onto her private parts.

She was on crutches at the time and tried to get away, before Perry stopped after about 10 minutes and apologised profusely.

Girl's family confronted Perry
During a church camp that summer the victim opened up to her cousin, who was training to be a junior doctor.

She approached the girls’ parents, and they decided to confront Perry.

When they did, Perry stayed silent. The teacher said he “had wanted to protect his family” because he knew how “destructive” the allegations could be.

Her dad did not report Perry to the police because he felt he did not want to put his daughter through the “invasive questioning” and was worried they would not believe her.In his statement to court, he also said he felt Perry losing his job then was a “disproportionate” reaction.

When the church found out, they sent a deacon to speak with the former teacher, but the leaders decided against telling the police.

A deacon, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, said he had gone “armed with Scripture” but the incident was a matter for “him [Perry] and God”.

Perry, 46, now of Colaton Raleigh in East Devon, has been granted bail and will return to court to be sentenced next month.

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