Dorset 2024-03-01

Christopher Frapple 49

Manipulated vulnerable child into performing sexual acts on himself over a period of up to five years.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5363


Gillingham, Dorset, SP8


A SMILING sex offender who forced a young girl to jump on his genitals has been jailed.

Christopher Frapple manipulated the vulnerable child into performing sexual acts on himself over a period of up to five years.

The 49-year-old was sentenced at Bournemouth Crown Court on February 23 for two counts of inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity and one count of engaging in sexual activity in front of a child.

The abuse went undiscovered until February 9, 2023, when the girl told her father she did not like Frapple and revealed what had happened.

Prosecuting, Ellie Fargin, told the court that the girl confessed that the defendant kept asking her to kick him in the testicles and would show her his bits.

On another occasion, Frapple wrapped a piece of string around his penis and asked the girl to pull on it.

The girls father said in a statement to the court that she has been affected substantially, through stress, fear and anxiety.

He added that both he and his daughter are fearful of the dark and going out to places that were once safe.

Frapple has seven previous convictions for 14 offences, including two indecent exposures in 2010.

He exposed his genitals to a female walking her a dog in public and also put his hand on his penis in public and asked a female if it looked big.

Mitigating, Nick Robinson, said the defendant pleaded guilty to all offences, although not at the earliest opportunity.

He added that probation identified the need to rehabilitate Frapple in order to protect the public.

Judge Susan Evans KC said: You took [the child] to your flat with one thing in mind, to sexually abuse a nine year old child.

She added that the defendant has a clear sexual interest in children and poses a serious risk.

Frapple, of Gillingham, was handed a five year and ten month sentence.

He was given a ten-year restraining order, a 20 year sexual offences prevention order and will be on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

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