Devon 2024-02-15

Matthew Clarke 28

Groomer who dressed up as a furry animal and met a schoolgirl for sex.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5313


Bank Lane, Brixham, Devon, TQ5


Matthew Clarke gained the 14-year-old's trust before regularly meeting up with her at hotels around Devon, a court heard.

He emotionally manipulated his victim by saying he was depressed and used encrypted chat to keep their relationship a secret. After his arrest police found images on his phone of the pair having sex.

Clarke, 28, of Bank Lane in Brixham, has been jailed for four years for multiple offences of sexual activity with a child.

The judge told Clarke: "You embarked on a sexual relationship, a relationship you knew was not only unlawful but you must have appreciated had a potentially devastating impact on the victim. These offences were in part as a result of a degree of grooming."

Exeter Crown Court was told the pair met at a party where people who liked animals dressed in furry costumes. The teenager's parents attended with her and there was no sexual element to it.

Clarke was in a relationship with someone else but told the girl he was unhappy and only she could help him. The relationship turned sexual and Clarke would book them a room at the Premier Inn and other hotels.

He became more demanding about sex and also said he wanted to take pictures and video. He would emotionally manipulate the girl by becoming upset in order to get her to do what he wanted.

Clarke also told his victim she would get into trouble if the truth came out. The victim eventually confided in a friend and Clarke's manipulative and controlling behaviour came to light.

The victim said in a statement Clarke's behaviour had a devastating impact and feared nothing would make it right.

Clarke pleaded guilty to four charges of sexual activity with a child; one offence of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and three of making indecent images.

Detective Constable Natasha Elliott-Smith said afterwards: Through support of specialist trained officers, the complainant was able to provide a compelling victim testimony and this no doubt influenced the defendant's guilty plea.

I would like to thank the victim for their bravery in coming forward. I would also like to thank their family and friends who have provided ongoing support to them and assisted greatly with the police investigation. We hope this sentencing can begin to offer some closure for you.

This case once again shows the Polices commitment to supporting victims of sexual abuse, to thoroughly investigate offending of this deplorable nature, to protect the vulnerable in our society and bring offenders to justice.

Mr Paul Dentith, defending, said probation had requested he be given a community order and complete a sex offender programme. Clarke has no previous convictions, is ashamed of his behaviour and has mental health conditions.

He was made subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order until further notice and must sign the sex offender register for life.

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