Fife 2024-01-12

Thomas Dow 41

Child molester who subjected youngsters to repeated sexual abuse and violence during a campaign of cruelty.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5184


Park Road, Lhanbryde, Elgin, Morayshire, IV30


A child molester who subjected youngsters to repeated sexual abuse and violence during a campaign of cruelty was today (Friday) jailed for nine years.

Thomas Dow (41) carried out a spree of assaults and rape against three victims in crimes spanning 14 years.

Dow preyed on two girls and a boy at addresses in Inverkeithing and Rosyth, and on car trips when he was supposed to be caring for the children.

A judge told him at the High Court in Edinburgh that he had effectively robbed victims of their childhood.

Judge John Morris KC said: "Only a very substantial prison sentence is appropriate for the crimes of which you were convicted."

He ordered that Dow, formerly of Park Road, Lhanbryde, in Moray, should also be monitored for a further two-year period when he can be returned to prison if he breaches the terms of his licence.

Dow had denied a series of charges during an earlier trial but was found guilty of 13 offences committed between June 2003 and December 2017, including crimes of rape, sexual assault, assault and indecent conduct. The court heard that Dow continued to deny any wrongdoing.

Dow began targeting one girl when she was aged seven and subjected her to repeated assaults during which she was hit, punched and kicked on the head and body.

She was also pushed about, struck with a brush and grabbed by the head and hair. The child abuser repeatedly sexual molested her and raped her.

He preyed on a second girl from the age of three and subjected the child to repeated violence. During it she was kicked, punched and pushed, shouted at and threatened.

Dow also put a hand over her mouth and nose, restricting her breathing and hit her with a remote control and other objects.

He also assaulted a boy from the age of three who was punched, kicked, pushed and struck and threatened with violence. The child was also subjected to repeated indecent assaults by Dow.

One victim told the court that she did not like it when Dow was looking after her "because he was abusive".

The woman said: "He would hit me, be verbally abusive to me and be sexually abusive.

"Sometimes he would be quite a happy drunk. Sometimes he would be quite an angry drunk. I was scared he would have another drink and become angry."

The former deliveryman claimed that the victims were lying in their evidence and that he was not a bully.

Defence counsel Michael Anderson KC said: "If there is an alcohol problem in the background he is motivated to deal with it."

Dow was told he would be placed on the sex offenders' register indefinitely following the sentencing.

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