Liverpool 2022-04-22

Francis Ward 38

Sexually assaulted two teenage girls and raped one of them.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4765


Fox Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L3


Francis Ward, 36, of Fox Street, was jailed for 25 years at Liverpool Crown Court on Friday, April 22, 2022.

A rapist looked stunned as he was jailed for 25 years for sexually assaulting two teenage girls.

Francis Ward refuses to to accept he raped one of the teenagers and sexually assaulted the other even after being found guilty earlier this year. The two girls and their families faced him down in court today and celebrated as the sex attacker was led to the cells. 

He was open mouthed as Judge Robert Trevor-Jones sentenced him to a lengthy jail term. David Birrell, prosecuting, said Ward, from Fox Street, Liverpool, committed his first attacks on one girl before then targeting the second girl. 

He said that after being arrested Ward, who turned his head away from the victims seated in the public gallery for much of the hearing, denied the attacks took place. Mr Birrell said: “He was arrested and taken into police custody. He was questioned and answered 'no comment' to each and every question."

Ward's denials continued through all of his court hearings, including the trial. Jurors found him guilty of the attacks on March 18. Jonathan Duffy, defending, said Ward still disagreed with the jury’s verdict. Mr Duffy said: “As your honour knows from having heard the trial and what is said in the pre sentence report, the defendant does not agree with the verdicts of the jury but he respects them and understands your honour will have to sentence him on the facts as the jury found them.”

One of the girls addressed the court today, explaining how Ward’s attack had made her contemplate taking her own life. A statement from the second girl, read out by Mr Birrell, outlined similar psychological trauma.

Judge Robert Trevor-Jones told Ward his actions continued to have far reaching consequences for both girls. He said: “Each of them clearly articulated an enduring trauma and scarring. As far as they are concerned, I am satisfied you inflicted serious harm on them.”

Judge Trevor-Jones added that Ward’s continued denials during his trial had forced both girls to “relive the horrors of this abuse, branding them liars in the process”. He jailed Ward for 18 years for the rape and sexual assault of one of the girls and for seven years for the sexual assault on the other.

The length of the sentence appeared to take Ward by surprise. He was open mouthed and shook his head a number of times after the verdict was announced before being taken down to the cells.

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