London 2023-10-11

Zyroam Allen 18

Eighteen year old sex offender who committed ten offences including rape and sexual assault.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4730


Hackney, East London


Endless hard work by a series of Metropolitan Police Officers has resulted in the jailing of an 18 year old male for ten sexual offences including rape.

The 18 year old was 17, when he committed the string of sex attacks on ten different women across east London and has now been jailed, but for just 4 years.

His victims will never be the same after the horrendous ordeal they went through, yet the perpetrator will soon enough be back on our streets despite ruiing countless lives.

Zyroam Allen from Hackney, was named after the Judge lifted his anonymity on the day he turned 18 and at Wood Green Magistrate’s Court he was sentenced last week, for the rape of a woman, seven sexual assaults and exposing himself to another woman. Again, just 4 years.

Police officers from across the capital worked tirelessly to catch Allen and analysed more than 400 hours of CCVT, took multiple statements and undertook detailed forensic testing, all of which led to his conviction.

One of Allen’s victim’s who has shown incredible bravery throughout this awful ordeal, has openly praised the police and the way the whole investigation has been dealt with. She has also spoken openly about how her life will clearly never be the same.

She said: “I no longer run along the canal as I do not feel safe. I won’t even go for a walk if I am by myself, as I find it too stressful. It makes me really angry that I can’t enjoy the area I live in now. This person has taken that away from me and I do not think I will ever get that back.”

Her life as it was is gone and nothing will ever bring that back, yet Allen will be walking the streets just as before in no time whatsoever. Where is the justice for these women? Why does it feel as if sexual offences against women carry no value in our society at all? What deterrent does it show to possible offenders?

Allen pleaded guilty to all offences after the thorough investigation by officers from the Met Police, who must surely feel as disappointed as every woman reading this.

Once again, despite an increase in sex offences against women, the jailing of Allen for 4 years, clearly goes to show that sexual attacks on women count for very little.

Let’s finish by praising the women who came forward to report him and respect the bravery they have shown throughout this awful ordeal.

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