Bradford 2023-10-06

Rizwan Hussain 44

Sick predator who exposed himself to children.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4705


Daisy Fields, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD2


A sick sexual predator whose dangerous behaviour got worse over a decade is finally behind bars.

Rizwan Hussain, 44, has been handed an extended sentence made up of eight years in custody and an extended licence period of four years after he was found guilty of a catalogue of sick sexual offences.

Bradford Crown Court heard that in 2014, Hussain, of Daisy Fields in Bradford, was sentenced to supervision after he was caught exposing himself to children in a changing room at the Richard Dunn sports centre. He was also made the subject of a five-year sex offender registration order, but when that was due to lapse in 2019 the police used their civil powers to successfully obtain a new sexual harm prevention order from the magistrates because of various allegations that had been made against him.

Judge Jonathan Rose said that in 2013 there had been reports of Hussain masturbating near a primary school and in 2016 he had been seen speaking to a group of children aged between 10 and 16. In 2017 Hussain admitted having sex with a 15-year-old girl who he said he thought was 16 and in 2019 he was alleged to have abducted a 13-year-old girl.

Judge Rose said: “Of course none of those matters has resulted in a conviction and I have not been told why." He said the allegations raised very real concerns and were the background to Hussain’s latest offences committed in February this year.

Following a trial before Judge Rose in July Hussain, a married father-of-four, was found guilty by the jury of engaging in sexual activity with a teenage boy who was vulnerable due to his age and the fact that he had been drinking alcohol. The court heard that Hussain gave the boy £10 and then got the youngster to perform a sex act on him.

A teenage girl saw what was happening and Hussain invited her to join in. The court heard that Hussain was a stranger to both of the children involved.

On Hussain was jailed for offences of engaging in sexual activity with a child, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and breaching his sexual harm prevention order. The judge told him: “I simply do not accept that you have or have shown any element of remorse whatsoever."

He said Hussain’s escalation in offending was the clearest indication of the dangers he posed and he described Hussain as “an opportunistic sexual predator” who indiscriminately targeted others for his sexual gratification.

The judge imposed a new sexual harm prevention order which will last for the rest of Hussain’s life and Hussain will also have to register as a sex offender with the police.

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