Bradford 2019-01-24

Muhammad Riaz 31

Guilty of sexually assaulting a young girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4661


Oak Mount, Manningham, Bradford West Yorkshire, BD8


A man could face prison after he was found guilty of sexually assaulting a young girl.

Muhammad Riaz, 26, was convicted on one charge of sexual assault of a child under 13 at Teesside Crown Court .

He denied the charge of sexually assaulting the girl in Stockton , stood trial, and a jury unanimously found him guilty on Wednesday.

After the verdicts, Judge Stephen Ashurst said: "I think this is a case where I ought to obtain a report about the defendant, about his personal circumstances, and also his immigration status.

"And also to assess the risk factors and his attitude in light of the jury's unanimous verdict this morning."

He told Riaz: "It now falls to me to deal with sentence.

"Before I decide on sentence I'm going to hear arguments from both the prosecution and from the defence as to where this case falls in the guidelines issued by the Sentencing Council.

"But before I do that I want to know more about you and your family, to address the risk factors in your case.

"Your case will be listed here in about three weeks' time."

Riaz will be sentenced on February 25.

The judge bailed him on conditions to live at Oak Mount, Bradford, to surrender his Pakistani passport to police and not to apply for travel documents to leave the UK.

Riaz will also be on the sex offenders' register.

The judge added: "The fact that you've been convicted of the sexual assault of a child under 13 means that you are now subject to notification under the sex offenders legislation.

"You are required by law to tell the police of any change in your personal circumstances.

"If you fail to do so you commit a criminal offence for which you can receive up to five years in prison.

"The fact that you are being given bail and I'm asking for a report should not be taken by you as any promise as to what the sentence will be.

"I will want to hear submissions as to whether this is a case where I have no alternative but to send you to prison, or other sentencing options can be considered.

"So you understand clearly, no promises at all.

"For the time being you can leave the dock."

He thanked the jurors for their "careful consideration" of the case.

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