Warwickshire 2023-09-22

Simon Watson 43

Sexual offences against teenage girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4614


Keepers Meadow‚ Long Itchington, Nr Southam‚ CV47


A 43-year-old man has been sentenced to two years behind bars for sexual offences against a teenage girl.

Simon Watson of Keepers Meadow, Long Itchington was found guilty of three counts of sexual assault following a trial at Warwick Crown Court last month. He was sentenced at the same court last week.

The offence took place on 10 July 2021 at Watson’s house when the victim went round to see him. Watson asked her if she wanted to stay for a few minutes before taking her phone off her and using it to search for pornography. He then made leud comments towards her.

The victim said her mum was expecting her and she had to leave. Watson followed her to the door where he sexually assaulted her three times.

The victim told her mum the following day, the police were called, and Watson was arrested.

Detective Constable Rachel Creswell from Warwickshire Police CID said: “Great credit must be given to the victim who has shown bravery in supporting this investigation and this was recognised by the judge in summing up. This ensured a dangerous offender was put behind bars.”

Watson was also ordered to sign the sex offenders register for 10 years.

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