Northampton 2023-08-16

Noor Alam 40

Wanted for sexually assaulting an 8 year old girl in a Mosque.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4396


Not known.


Noor is wanted for sexually assaulting an 8 year old girl in a Mosque. Can you help locate this dangerous male?

Full Details

Noor Alam was an Imam at a Mosque in Northampton where he taught religious studies to young children. Between October 2018 and October 2019 it is alleged that he was involved in sexual offences against young girls. He is considered to be a risk to children.

Crime type: Sexual Assault on a Female Child under 13

Crime location: Argyle Street, Northampton NN55LJ

Suspect name: Noor Alam

Nickname: N/A

Number of people involved:

CS reference: CS2302-18929

Police force: Northamptonshire

Suspect Description

Suspect name: Noor Alam

Sex: Male

Age: 35 - 40

Hair colour: Black

Facial hair: Beard

Ethnic appearance: Asian

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