Lanarkshire 2023-08-08

Jamie Starrs 21

Raped schoolgirl five months before she was sexually assaulted and murdered by her older brother.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4374


Not reported.


A man who raped schoolgirl five months before she was sexually assaulted and murdered by her older brother has been jailed.

Jamie Starrs, 20, attacked the vulnerable Amber Gibson while she was asleep or unconscious at a property in Bothwell, South Lanarkshire, in June 2021.

The innocent 16-year-old was later sexually assaulted and killed by her brother Connor Gibson, 19, in November 2021 but a statement she gave to police before her death proved crucial in bringing her rapist to justice. 

Starrs denied any wrongdoing and went on trial at the High Court in Lanark. However, Jurors took two hours to convict him of raping Amber and also raping a second teenager just two weeks earlier.

Starrs was jailed for ten-and-a-half years and two years of supervision upon release. Sentencing the double rapist, who appeared via video link from custody, Judge Thomas Welsh said: 'You have been convicted of appalling crimes against two innocent teenage girls and you have been assessed as being of very high risk of sexual violence on release.

'I am required to take into account your age and difficult upbringing - however, the crimes remain serious and grave, and I will impose an extended sentence.'

He said that he would have ordered 11 years to be served in custody but reduced this to ten-and-a-half years behind bars to take into account the time that Starrs has spent on remand.

The 20-year-old was also found guilty of a breach of bail conditions, and of attempting to pervert the course of justice.

He has been placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Giving a plea in mitigation, Michael Meehan KC, representing Starrs, highlighted that as he is under 25 the sentence must take into account sentencing guidelines which reflect that a younger person will have a lower level of maturity than an older person.

He said a report identified that Starrs shows 'cognitive and emotional immaturity'.

The lawyer had also urged the judge to consider his client's adverse childhood experiences when sentencing.

He told the court that Starrs was removed from parental care at the age of three and developed addiction issues from the age of nine. 

Mr Meehan said: 'He has a traumatic background from a young age which perhaps gives some degree of explanation.' 

Detective Constable Ross McCaig previously told the jury he had taken a statement from Amber after the sickening assault had been reported.

Her statement said: 'I was under the covers but when I went to get up I felt I didn't have clothes on my bottom half, my trousers were next to me on top of the covers.

'I saw that the guy Jamie was asleep in the bed with me, it was light enough to say that it was him. He then got up from under the covers and he was completely naked and he put on a red tracksuit and pulled out a blue windbreaker style jacket and I managed to put my trousers on underneath the covers. I told Jamie I was leaving.'

Later in a homeless unit in Blantyre, Amber became 'quiet' when discussion turned to a TikTok user being falsely accused of rape and she revealed it had 'happened to her'. A teenage boy told staff and police were called in before Amber told them she had been raped by Starrs.

She told officers: 'The reason I think I was raped was that I woke up in a bed with no clothes on my bottom half with a boy I had only met naked under the covers. I can't remember hugging him or kissing him at all.'

Commenting on the sentencing of Starrs, Detective Inspector Lorraine Wilson, of Lanarkshire division's rape investigation unit, said: 'Jamie Starrs subjected two women to violent sexual attacks and he is now facing the consequences of his despicable actions.

'The victims showed great strength in coming forward and reporting what happened to them. Despite one of the women having died before she was able to see justice being done, her evidence was key in securing his conviction.

'Our thoughts remain with the other victim in this case and I hope this sentence will bring her some comfort and closure.

The sentencing comes a fortnight after Connor Gibson, 20, was convicted of strangling his sister in woodland in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, in November 2021.

The predator had brought Amber to Cadzow Glen on the night of November 26, 2021, to carry out his brutal attack. 

He removed her clothes and assaulted her with the intent of raping the vulnerable teen, before strangling and beating her, and leaving her for dead in the woods.

Amber was reported missing on the evening of Friday, November 26 and her body was discovered in Cadzow Glen at about 10.10am on November 28.

But in a revolting twist of fate, her body was abused by the man who first found her, Stephen Corrigan. The 45-year-old was found guilty of attempting to defeat the ends of justice and breach of the peace by intimately touching and concealing Amber's body after discovering it, instead of contacting the emergency services.

The head of major crimes at Police Scotland said time should be spent remembering Amber Gibson rather than the two men who have been convicted.

Detective Chief Superintendent Paul Livingstone said: 'I'd like to actually give them as little thought as possible, to be honest with you.

'There's not any other words that spring to mind that I would describe them [as] other than depraved.

'I actually think that more time should be spent remembering Amber.' The senior officer said he hoped the convictions 'bring some degree of comfort' to the people who knew and cared for Amber.

He added: 'The actions of both Corrigan and Gibson leave them both beneath contempt.

'This was a challenging and complex investigation involving a range of specialist officers from within Police Scotland working closely with our partners in forensic services, all of whom I would pay tribute to for their professionalism and dedication whilst carrying out their work.'

Gibson will be sentenced on September 4 for a crime Judge Lord Mulholland described as 'depraved', while Corrigan will also be sentenced next month.

The day before Gibson was arrested on December 1, he posted a chilling tribute on Facebook to his sister, writing 'fly high' and 'I love you ginger midget'. 

'Amber, you will fly high for the rest of time. We will all miss you. Especially me. I love you ginger midget. GBFN (goodbye for now) X,' wrote Gibson. 

Gibson will be sentenced on September 4 for a crime Judge Lord Mulholland described as 'depraved', while Corrigan will also be sentenced next month. 

Meanwhile, Gibson's dad, Peter Gibson, was jailed for raping a woman back in April, before his son was found guilty. Reporting of the father's case was delayed until the end of his son's murder trial.

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