Northampton 2023-05-05

Edwin Darby 68

Twisted paedophile who committed horrifying crimes against a girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3925


Berry Lane, Wootton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4


This is the face of a monster paedophile every parent should see after a family's 'two years of hell.' So 'disturbing' were Edwin Darby's police confessions, one officer reportedly had to stop the interview.

Though the 67-year-old was jailed for 54 months and ordered to sign the sex offenders register, the victim's mum fumed he could be out in just over two years and "doesn't have a neon sign on him." She wants everyone to know his name and face in the hope that he's never able to hurt anyone else.

Darby, of Northampton, admitted two counts of assault by touching on a girl under 13. His mugshot, released by West Midlands Police, can now be revealed following the sentencing at Birmingham Crown Court on May 5.

Details of the lorry driver's sickening crimes emerged after the mum's children reported Darby had 'moonied' in front of them, she said. After opening up an honest conversation over 'private areas', one of her children made a harrowing disclosure.

"The way she said it so innocently and blasé, so matter of fact, I was like, 'no this can't be'," recalled the mum, who cannot be named for legal reasons. West Midlands Police was alerted, with the mother and daughter interviewed at the station.

"I was told he [Darby] had made some disclosures to police," she added. "The police officer at the time said he had to stop the police interview because he was so disturbed."

As Darby was jailed, he was also handed a sexual harm prevention order and ordered to sign the sex offenders register. A restraining order was imposed and the trucker will, or may be, barred from working with children and or vulnerable adults upon his release, the court said.

The victim's mum added: "This person's a monster. I don't want him to be able to hurt anyone else, ever," said the mum. "Ok so he's on the sex offenders register, ok so he's got a sexual harm prevention order, but he hasn't got a neon sign on him.

"He could carry on and live his life and nobody would be any wiser. He could put himself in situations and befriend people and they will be in danger again. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to anyone else.

"I can't settle. He has the ability to befriend people very quickly, very easily." She hopes by telling her story, other victims of sexual abuse will feel more comfortable in coming forward to police.

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