Blackpool 2023-05-16

William Walker 61

Former DUP councillor guilty to one charge of attempted sexual communication with a child.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3885


Not reported.


Last month, William Walker pleaded guilty to one charge of attempted sexual communication with a child on dates between February 10 and 15, 2022.

The 60-year-old, originally from Killyleagh but now with an address in Blackpool, denied a second similar offence.

On Thursday (May 11), Walker was back at Downpatrick Crown Court where he had the second charge – which he initially denied – put to him again.

Walker was then charged with attempting to sexually communicate with a child on dates between February 10 and 23, 2022.

After the charge was put to him, Walker replied ‘guilty’.

Judge Geoffrey Miller KC noted that as Walker had now entered guilty pleas to both charges, a date for the plea hearing could be set.

A probation report will be compiled in England ahead of sentencing, which Judge Miller said would take place on June 22.

The former politician is already on the Sex Offenders Register due to his plea last month and he was released on continuing bail until June 22.

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