Northampton 2023-04-24

Brandon Southall 26

Kidnap and blackmailer made indecent images of children.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3720


Northampton, Birmingham & Luton


Southall pleaded guilty to two counts of kidnap and two of blackmail at an earlier hearing at Northampton Crown Court, and was sentenced at the same court on Friday, April 14, to a total of four and a half years.

At the same hearing Southall was also sentenced to 33 months for a 2020 robbery offence, and three months for a 2019 theft, both committed in Birmingham, as well as two offences which took place in Leicestershire - one count of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs for which he received a 42-month sentence, and six months for one count of making indecent images of children. He was also placed on the sex offenders’ register for seven years.

All Southall’s sentences will be served consecutively, making a total of 11 years in prison.

Detective Sergeant Cory Wise, of Northamptonshire Police, said: “I am pleased with the sentences handed out in this case as they demonstrate the seriousness with which we, and the courts, take crimes such as this.

“The victims in these incidents went through terrifying experiences at the hands of Sullivan and Southall, with their parents being put through equal distress wondering whether their children were going to be harmed or not.

“I hope both Sullivan and Southall spend their time behind bars reflecting on their actions and that they come out determined to make better life choices.

“Thankfully, incidents of kidnap and blackmail are rare in Northamptonshire but I hope this case reassures people that when they do happen, we deal with them quickly and robustly.”

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