Bradford 2023-03-14

Edwin Gill 71

Raped a teenager.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3541


Dulverton Grove, Holme Wood, Bradford, BD4


A 70-YEAR-old Bradford man has been jailed for more than eight years after raping a teenager.

Edwin Gill, of Dulverton Grove, Holme Wood, initially pleaded not guilty to the offence, claiming the teenager had consented.

But after seeking legal advice, he changed his plea to guilty and was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court today (March 14).

Prosecutor Jonathan Sharp told the court that Gill had first asked to cuddle the teenager, touched their bottom and inner thigh, then proceeded to rape them.

The victim was left shocked and felt helpless after the attack, but was able to tell family about what had happened, and Gill was arrested.

In interview he initially denied any rape, but later admitted having sex with the teenager, which he claimed was consensual.

In a victim impact statement read out to the court, the victim described how they had suffered panic attacks as well as struggling to sleep and concentrate on studies following the attack.

Judge Ahmed Nadim praised the young victim for “courage and fortitude” in assisting the authorities in bringing Gill to justice.

Laura McBride, for Gill, told the court that there was genuine remorse from Gill and that “he is truly sorry for what has happened”.

“He can’t put into words the shame and regret that he’s felt,” she added.

In sentencing Gill to eight years and nine months imprisonment, Judge Nadim said he had broken moral and legal norms, adding: “A child’s carefree days have been marred." 

He added that his victim suffered “degradation and humiliation” at his hands.

A life-long sexual harm prevention order was imposed on Gill, and he must register as a sex offender for the same length of time too.

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