Newcastle 2022-03-22

Jack Newton 24

Pervert found with sick images of kids claimed he'd been cured of his sexual interest in children.

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Offender ID: O-3354


Throckley, Newcastle


A pervert found with sick images of kids claimed he'd been cured of his sexual interest in children.

Police found the vile photos on Jack Newton's mobile phone when they seized a number of electronic goods from his Throckley home.

A court heard that the 22-year-old had been sent the seven pictures, some involving children a young as five, in 2019 by an associate on Snap Chat.

When he was questioned about the sordid material, he told officers he "previously had a sexual interest in kids but no longer did".

Now, Newton, of Isabella Walk, in Throckley, is facing a possible jail sentence after he pleaded guilty to two counts of making an indecent image of a child.

Lillian Yanes Hellevik, prosecuting at Newcastle Magistrates' Court, said officers searched Newton's home on July 13 2020 and seized a number of devices.

She added: "The images found were on his mobile phone. There were seven category B and two category C.

"Samples of those images contained children between five and 11-years-old. The defendant accepted in interview to receiving the images.

"He accepted he may previously have had a sexual interest in children but stated he no longer does."

The court heard that Newton had no previous convictions and pleaded guilty on the basis he was sent the images without asking specifically for them.

Sophie Allinson, defending, said: "I submit these matters are suitable to be finalised here but I appreciate an all-options report will be needed.

"I will save my mitigation for the future sentencing hearing."

Newton was released on unconditional bail to next appear at Newcastle Magistrates' Court on April 11.

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