Northampton 2022-12-14

Rodney Webster 59

Historic indecent assaults against three survivors, who were all children at the time.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3188


Not known.


A 58-year-old man has been found guilty on 22 counts of indecent assault in connection with incidents which took place over a decade.

Rodney Paul Webster, previously of Northampton, tried to maintain his innocence when accused of the assaults against the three survivors, who were all children at the time of the offences.

Forcing the case to a trial at Northampton Crown Court, which took place in September, the jury heard how Webster raped and sexually assaulted the trio on multiple occasions between 1978 and 1988.

After deliberating for two days, the jury found him guilty on all 22 counts.

He was sentenced last Friday (December 9) to 14 years and eight months in prison.

Lead Investigator – Detective Constable Kelly Roberts, said: “Webster thought he had gotten away with his crimes, living in freedom for more than 30 years, but this case proves that it doesn’t matter how much time has passed – we will do everything in our power to ensure you end up in prison for what you have done.

“These three children are now adults and they have lived with this abuse for a very long time. I want to thank them for their strength and resilience during this prolonged investigation and for giving evidence in court. I know what Webster did to them will never leave them but they can be proud that they spoke out and that he is now in prison because of their courage.

“No matter when a person has been a victim of crime, justice can be found, and this case proves just that.”

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