Cambridge 2022-12-14

Ishmael Khan 41

Convicted of an indecent assault on a girl under 16 in 2006.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3187


Eastfield Road, Peterborough, PE1


A convicted sex offender from Peterborough has been jailed after he failed to tell police about his new address. Ishmael Khan, 40, was convicted of an indecent assault on a girl under 16 in 2006.

He was placed on a registration notification for an indefinite period following the initial conviction. This meant that he had to keep the police informed of personal details, including his main address and any addresses he stayed at for more than 7 days in a year.

In January 2021, Khan had told police he was living at a guest house in Eastfield Road, Peterborough. However, an officer carried out a routine check on August 23 and was told by a staff member that Khan had moved out a few weeks previously without saying where he was going.

His failure to notify police of his new address within three days meant he had breached the requirement of his registration notification. He also failed to complete an annual notification at a police station, which was due by January 27, 2022.

He was arrested in London in April. Khan, of no fixed address, was sentenced to 18 months in prison at Cambridge Crown Court on December 14. He had pleaded guilty to two counts of failing to comply with his Sex Offenders' Register notification requirements.

PC Lorraine Smart, from the Management of Sex Offenders and Violent Offenders team, said: “Khan showed a blatant disregard for the court order and we will always look to make sure sex offenders are adhering to their notification requirements. The prison sentence reflects how seriously the courts take this type of offence.”

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