Northampton 2022-11-10

Ion Cojan 38

Predator used room rental website to target and rape woman.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2937


Worcester Close, Little Billing, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3


A Northampton man has been imprisoned for 15 years after using a room rental website to target a woman before raping her.

Ion Cojan, aged 37, of Worcester Close, appeared at Northampton Crown Court on Tuesday, November 8 after a jury found him guilty of raping a woman.

Andrew Fitch-Holland, prosecuting, said the victim was looking for a room to rent in Northampton and set up an account on a rental website, which contained her photo, name and age.

The court heard that Cojan contacted her to tell her he had a friend with a room to let. When the victim said she was no longer interested, Cojan told her she was “beautiful” and asked to meet on February 17, 2019.

Mr Fitch-Holland said Cojan picked the woman up from Northampton town centre in his car and she sat in the back seat, expecting to be taken for coffee as planned. However Cojan drove her to a secluded area by a lake, the court heard.

Mr Fitch-Holland said the assault went on for approximately 10 minutes before Cojan tried to pull the victim’s trousers down but she said no so he eventually stopped and drove her back into town. Cojan told the woman he would call her and they would have sex, blew her three kisses and drove off.

The victim walked home, feeling “disgusted” and “shocked” and then reported the rape to the police. In a statement, she said she cannot forget what happened to her and she does not trust men anymore.

Cojan was arrested and his mobile phone was seized; police discovered numerous searches for female users of a room rental website, which he was treating as a dating site.

Cojan has one previous conviction of sexual assault in 2009 when he pushed a woman onto a bed, held her throat and pulled her hair - preventing her from leaving. She was able to escape when he let go of her.

Rajiv Chopra, in mitigation, said Cojan is “genuinely remorseful” that he has “upset” the victim and wants to write an apology letter to her.

Addressing the judge, Mr Chopra said: “Please use your utmost discretion and leniency to give this young man a second chance.”

Her Honour Judge Lucking KC, sentencing, said: “You have a tendency to commit sexual offences against lone women by flattering them and then isolating them before subjecting them to sexual activity without consent.

“Your evidence at trial revealed your arrogance and misplaced sense of sexual entitlement.”

Cojan was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment with an extended licence period of five years. He was also placed on the Sex Offender’s Register indefinitely.

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