Bradford 2022-10-21

Anthony Mawson 39

Violent rape and multiple domestic abuse offences.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2842


Bradford, West Yorkshire


A BRADFORD man has been jailed for 17 years for sexual and violent offences.

Anthony Mawson, 38, was convicted by a jury in May of offences including rape, sexual assault by penetration and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

He was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court today on a video link to prison.

Mawson, who had been held on remand in HMP Leeds for many months, was guilty of serious and depraved conduct, the trial judge Recorder Gavin Doig said.

He had read the probation and psychological reports prepared following the trial.

Recorder Doig told Mawson he had shown ‘no hint of remorse, humility or understanding’ during his trial.

He had twisted the victim’s fingers and leg and punched them on the hip.

He was imprisoned for 13 years for the sexual offences with four years to run consecutively for the matters of violence.

Recorder Doig ordered him to sign on the sex offender register for life.

Mawson’s barrister, Ian Howard, said he had significant learning difficulties and had recently been found to be dyslexic and autistic.

While on remand he had addressed his drugs misuse and he was gaining qualifications to equip him to gain employment on his release.

Mr Howard said that Mawson had an aptitude for music and lyrics and had been put forward to feature on national prison radio. There was talk of moving him to London to better access those facilities.

He was taking steps to ensure he was fully rehabilitated on his release.

His disabled mother had been unable to visit him in prison because of the Covid pandemic.

Mr Howard said Mawson knew he was going to get a sentence of more than seven years so he would not be released at the halfway stage.

After the case, Detective Sergeant Matthew Harrison said: “We welcome the lengthy sentence handed down to Mawson today.

“He is a violent man.

“I would like to praise his victim’s bravery throughout the court process. I hope this sentence brings them some closure so that they can finally move on with their lives.”

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