Kent 2022-09-14

Joseph Silver 36

Raping woman in her home.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2702


College Road, Margate, CT9


A serial rapist who barged into a woman’s home and subjected her to acts of “deliberate degradation” has been jailed.

Joseph Silver, of Margate, targeted the woman and another victim over a month-long period in east Kent in 2020.

Silver, 34, was found guilty of three charges of rape and two of assault by penetration following a trial at Canterbury Crown Court.

He has now been jailed for 14 years after a judge ruled him "dangerous". He will serve two thirds of his sentence before being eligible for parole, and another four on licence.

Judge Simon James said Silver forced his way through his first victim’s door, then “grabbed her hair and ripped her clothing off" while ignoring her pleas for him to stop.

He branded Silver “self-centred” with no “insight into the pain and anguish he had caused,” to both women.

Silver maintained a “callous attitude” towards his victims while posing as a “high risk to others,” the judge added.

"My home used to be a safe place, but it is where I feel most anxious..."

His victims handed impact statements to the court, with one describing the pain she still suffers.

The woman said her life had been “turned upside down” and she is “constantly looking over my shoulder”.

“My home used to be a safe place, but it is where I feel most anxious," she said.

“Everything I once loved about myself I now let go - feeling attractive and confident isn’t possible now.

“Living through this has shown me I am strong but also it is OK to feel all kinds of emotions about myself.

“Throughout the trial my emotions and anxiety were all over the place. Not knowing if my evidence was enough for jurors to see the truth was so stressful.”

During his trial at the same court in October last year, Silver argued his victims had consented, then conspired to have him jailed.

Both women were in court to watch Silver convicted unanimously after five hours of deliberations.

Giving evidence, his first victim told jurors: “I was scared I thought I was going to pass out - he was squeezing so tightly.

“I just said 'please don’t do this' as I realised what was coming.”

His second victim recalled: “I told him ‘no, just get off me' - but he had sex with me.”

Martin Yale, prosecuting, said if Silver “wants something for his sexual gratification” he will “take it, whatever anyone else says or does to stop him”.

Silver had recently been released from prison on licence for an unrelated matter at the time of his offending, the court heard today.

He has 27 offences for 14 convictions, including violence alongside a weapons offence and an old sex offence.

Representing Silver, John Fitzgerald said he had an “unsettled upbringing” and the delay in bringing the sentencing hearing to court was not his fault.

The court heard Silver, previously of College Road, had been assessed as posing a high risk of committing further similar offences.


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