Lanarkshire 2022-09-07

William Allison 33

Serial rapist committed catalogue of horrific domestic crimes.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2657


Gartsherrie Road, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, ML5


Victims of a serial rapist have welcomed the fiend's 14-year prison sentence for a catalogue of horrific domestic crimes.

One woman said her life has been "changed forever" after seven years of physical, sexual and mental abuse at the hands of vile brute, William Allison. Her ordeal included being raped after having a pillow forced over her face. Bully Allison also kicked and choked his terrified victim and threw plates of food at her. He wouldn't let her leave the house, monitored her phone calls and messages, and took control of her finances, making her beg him for money.

Allison, of Gartsherrie Road, Coatbridge, was sentenced at the High Court in Inverness.

After trial, the 31-year-old was found guilty of raping the woman and two other ex-partners at various Lanarkshire addresses. The former bakery worker - who we cannot picture as he has an outstanding court matter - was also convicted of assault, threatening or abusive behaviour and a course of abusive conduct. The crimes against the three women were committed between 2010 and 2019. His first victim said their relationship was "really good" to begin with. "His whole attitude changed and he was vulgar and harsh when he spoke to me.

"The abuse was mental as well as physical and sexual. I was walking on eggshells because of his moods and personality changes."

The mum-of-two said she lost a lot of friends because of Allison, who monitored her social media, called her derogatory names and accused her of being unfaithful.

She went on: "My mental health was affected to the point that I had never been so low.

"I have lost the person I was but I am striving to become a better person.

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