Newcastle 2022-07-08

Alan Rothwell 36

Kidnapped and tried to rape a woman in a park.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2192


Mowbray Street, Heaton, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6


Alan Rothwell, of Heaton, kidnapped, robbed and tried to rape a woman in her 60s out enjoying a walk in a North Tyneside country park, but was jailed for less than nine years

It was an attack that sent waves of shock and fear across Tyneside.

When a woman walking alone in a the tranquil Rising Sun Country park was attacked by a sex predator in broad daylight an urgent manhunt was launched.

Thanks to the 63-year-old victim's bravery police were able to identify and arrest evil Alan Rothwell within days.

Rothwell, of Mowbray Street, Heaton, Newcastle, pleaded guilty to attempted rape, kidnap, robbery and two counts of sexual assault at Newcastle Crown Court.

But today as he was sentenced for the March attack serial criminal Rothwell was locked up for just eight years and nine months, with an extended licence period of a further six years.

The sentence has sparked anger among sex attack victims who believe Rothwell should be kept off the streets for longer.

Wendy Forrester who was raped by evil double rapist Eric McKenna as she walked home, almost 40 years ago, said the victim will be living with the trauma of the attack long after Rothwell is freed.

The 60-year-old, who has waived her legal right to anonymity, said: "It is a short sentence, but it's also average. It hard enough to report and go to court without them getting a short sentence. Things need to change, there should be a minimum of 15 years.

"It's not something that you get over. She's going to have that fresh in her mind for the next 10 years and he will be walking the streets."

The victim had been enjoying a pleasant walk in the Rising Sun County Park, in Wallsend when she was attacked from behind by evil Rothwell.

The sex predator grabbed her so tightly she couldn't breathe before forcing her to the ground, pushing her hood over her head and forcefully trying to rape her.

The woman, 63, bravely tried to fight off career criminal Rothwell, who has 152 previous convictions and was wearing blue clinical gloves to carry out the attack. She helped to snare him by scratching him, meaning she had his DNA under her fingertips.

Judge Robert Spragg described the attack as "appalling" as he jailed Rothwell.

However, rape victim Gemma Redhead, from Newcastle, said the sentence sends out the wrong message to both victims and perpetrators of sex offences.

The 41-year-old said: "It's not a particularly positive message for other and future victims and also other perpetrators. That may seem like a reasonable sentence, but in reality you are looking at them serving half that. Then you are looking at four years for such a horrific crime.

"It feels like a slap on the wrist to the offender and a slap in the face for the victim."

Gemma, who has also waived her right to anonymity, suffered years of abuse at the hands of her violent partner, who went on to rape her at knifepoint in their home, in Cowgate, Newcastle.

In 2011 Philip Kirby was jailed for eight years with a five-year extended licence, for his attack on Gemma.

He was released after serving only four years, but was back in Newcastle Crown Court in 2015, having rung Gemma in breach of a restraining order.

Kirby was then returned to prison and told he will not be released from prison until the end of his licence in 2023.

Gemma fears short sentences like the one handed to Rothwell could put victims off reporting sex attacks, but she is urging women to continue coming forward

"The the whole situation, the ongoing court case, then finding out the sentence is all very traumatic," she said. "Some victims might think; 'was it worth putting myself through that?'

"But I would still like to push the message that it is worth it. You are taking back a little bit of strength and control from what's happened to you and you are also protecting other potential victims from these awful people. "

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