Newcastle 2022-07-05

Christopher Dyne 42

Pervert claimed he downloaded indecent images accidentally with Marvel film.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2156


Sedgemoor, Garth Sixteen, Killingworth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12


A pervert claimed he accidentally ended up with child abuse images on his computer while downloading a Marvel film.

Police found dozens of indecent pictures and videos on Christopher Dyne's devices when they searched his home. But he claimed they got there by mistake while downloading the movie Thor. A jury rejected his account and found him guilty of making indecent images.

The software worker, who lost his job the day after being found guilty, has suffered in his local community after being named and shamed, Newcastle Crown Court heard.

Police went to his home on Sedgemoor, Garth 16, Killingworth, North Tyneside, on the morning of August 3 2018 with a search warrant and seized various devices. Three hard drives contained indecent images of children and there was evidence he had searched for terms associated with those looking for child abuse material.

In total there were 85 of the most serious, category A images, 16 category B and seven category C. Elizabeth Muir, prosecuting, said: "He claimed any images must have appeared accidentally during the download of a film, Thor. He said he had accessed them and said he deleted them. He said he considered contacting police but didn't.

"The defendant's computer material had a number of films downloaded on them but in distinct files which would not be the case if he accidentally downloaded them with a film. There was no evidence of the film Thor having been downloaded at any time.

"He maintained that explanation at trial but it was rejected by the jury." Dyne also said he had cloned hard drives, which is why the images were on more than one but he couldn't explain why one of them had additional material on it.

The 40-year-old, who has no previous convictions, was found guilty of eight offences of making indecent images of children. He was sentenced to 18 months suspended for 18 months with 140 hours unpaid work. He must also sign the sex offenders register and be subject to a sexual harm prevention order for ten years.

Tony Cornberg, defending, said: "A dozen or more people have submitted testimonials about what he is really like. He has always been a man of good character and in employment.

"The pre sentence report says he is still considered suitable for rehabilitative intervention despite him maintaining his innocence and there are no concerns from social services.

"Since his conviction he lost his job the next day and he has become, in his words, a financial burden on his mother and someone who feels worthless. The police displayed his conviction on their Facebook page shortly afterwards and it's caused him a great deal of shame. Being named and shamed is a form of punishment in society.

"He is utterly terrified and has genuinely suffered during the period since his conviction."

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