Kent 2021-09-24

Darren Shillito 42

Sexual predator who repeatedly raped a young girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2112


Victoria Park, Dover, Kent, CT16


A purely evil and dangerous sexual predator who repeatedly raped a young girl has been jailed.

Darren Shillito, of Victoria Park in Dover, was convicted of three counts of rape after a trial at Canterbury Crown Court.

The 40-year-old was today jailed for 18 years and wont be eligible for early release until the parole board deem him safe.

The victims mum told how she has lost her happy smiling little girl, who has since suffered suicidal thoughts.

She said: The whole situation has devastated our family - there are no words to explain.

My little girl, my miracle baby who had to endure the relentless horrors, I have lost my happy smiling little girl.

This man is a dangerous sexual predator capable of pure evil.

'These allegations were before the jury and they were sure, as am I, that she gave a reliable account of what happened.'

Shillito could be seen with his head in his hands as the statement was read, then called out inaudibly as his sentence was discussed.

Cutting him short, Judge Catherine Brown said: If you continue to mutter and call out you will be taken to the cells and this hearing will continue without you.

You maintained and still maintain this abuse did not occur.

These allegations were before the jury and they were sure, as am I, that she gave a reliable account of what happened.

She added Shillito was remorseless for his actions and, after deeming him dangerous, ruled he will be prohibited from being alone with children after his release.

The defendant had no previous convictions at the time of the jurys verdict - he had a good work record...

Simon Taylor QC explained Shillito still contested the guilty verdict, adding: The mitigation Im able to advance will focus on the principle of totality.

The defendant had no previous convictions at the time of the jurys verdict - he had a good work record.

Supported by his family in court, Shillito shouted Im not guilty mum as he was led to the cells.

Shillito was convicted in July of three counts of raping a girl under 13 and sexual assault, with the jury undecided on a further count of sexual assault.

He will serve a year on licence following his release, be subjected to notification requirements and a life-long Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

"Shillito appears unrepentant about these serious crimes and his repeated denials have further worsened the ordeal his victim has been through..."

After sentencing Det Sgt Daniel Hall, of the Kent Police's vulnerability investigation team, said: "This was a very troubling case and I would like to praise the courage of the young victim and her family who have supported the investigation.

"Shillito appears unrepentant about these serious crimes and his repeated denials have further worsened the ordeal his victim has been through.

"I am pleased our investigation led to these guilty verdicts and the resulting sentence will see this dangerous man jailed for a considerable amount of time.

"I urge anyone who is being sexually abused or suspects someone they know is being mistreated to contact police as soon as possible. We will safeguard anyone at risk and work to bring abusers before the courts."

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