Dorset 2012-11-28

Mustafa Mustafa 35

Dragged a young woman down an alleyway and raped her in a late-night sex attack.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2103


East Road, Bridport, Dorset, DT6


A BULGARIAN man who dragged a young woman down an alleyway and raped her in a late-night sex attack in Bridport has been jailed.

Mustafa Mustafa, 24, was labelled wicked and disgraceful by Judge Roger Jarvis as he sentenced him to 56 months in prison at Dorchester Crown Court.

Prosecutor Megan Topliss told the court that Mustafas victim, who was in her early 20s and suffered from a mild form of Aspergers, had gone out for a walk at around 11pm on August 13 when she walked past the defendant, who was sitting outside Bridport Kebab House in East Street.

Miss Topliss said the young woman had seen Mustafa before but did not know him and when she walked past he said hi.

She then became aware of him following her as she walked towards Symondsbury.

He came alongside her as they walked out past the Bridport Medical Centre before she told him she wanted to go home and started heading back towards town.

Miss Topliss said: They started to walk back until they reached an alleyway.

The defendant stood quite close to her and went to kiss her, she pulled back and tried to walk past him but he grabbed her arm.

Miss Topliss said Mustafa was gesturing towards himself and then her and said sex but she repeatedly replied no.

She said he then dragged her down the alleyway and pulled down both their trousers before raping her.

After around a minute she was able to push him away. Miss Topliss said Mustafa then tried to force her to perform a sexual act upon him but she resisted and he also put his hands down her trousers before forcing her to touch him.

She added: She said he was pretty aggressive throughout the incident.

After the attack Miss Topliss said the defendant went back to town while his victim went home and contacted the police the next day.

Mustafa was arrested on August 15.

Tim Shorter, mitigating, said Mustafa, of East Road, Bridport, had only entered the country around two months before the rape as he sought to work to earn money for his family back in Bulgaria.

He said his client had entered a guilty plea to the offence at the earliest opportunity at court and had shown genuine remorse since the incident.

Mr Shorter said: He has not sought in any way to deny his guilt.

As he passed sentence Judge Jarvis told the defendant: You behaved in a wicked and disgraceful way.

Court told of impact on life of young girl

THE COURT was told of the devastating impact of the sex attack upon Mustafas victim.

Miss Topliss said in a victim impact statement the young woman described how she no longer felt safe at night and suffered from anxiety and panic attacks to the extent that she has to take medication.

She added that the woman, who had never had sex before the rape, had been having trouble sleeping and experienced flash backs on a daily basis, while the ordeal had impacted on her education as she was studying in the hope of going to university but now found it difficult to concentrate.

Judge Jarvis said to Mustafa: There has been a profound impact upon your victim, the full extent of which we can only imagine.

There will be a lifelong impact upon her from what it is that you have done.

And Bridport police Inspector Mike Darby said: I am very pleased with the sentence of Mustafa for this offence which was serious and incredibly impactive on the victim.

Mustafa took advantage of a person who was vulnerable and the judge has imposed a significant sentence in light of this.

He added that offences of this nature are rare in West Dorset.

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