London 2022-06-26

William Roberts 30

Sexually assaulted a train passenger aged just 16.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2008


London Road, Thornton Heath


A LONDON man sexually assaulted a train passenger aged just 16 after she refused to give him her number.

William Roberts, of London Road, Thornton Heath, was locked up at Reading Crown Court last week after being convicted of sexual assault.

The 28-year-old will now have to sign the sex offenders register for ten years following his offending.

This comes after an incident in the evening of December 9, 2020, when the 16-year-old victim was travelling on a train from Oxford to Princes Risborough.

Roberts, who was in the same train as the woman, approached her and began repeatedly asking for her phone number.

When the girl refused to give Roberts her number, saying she was not interested and she was only 16-years-old, the London man sexually assaulted her.

He got up and walked down the carriage, but then he returned to her seat and put his arms out as if to block her from leaving.

Roberts then attempted to sexually assault the victim again before the girl pushed him away and escaped.

The 28-year-old was arrested at his home on January 6, 2020, when he told police officers he was only engaging in friendly conversation.

BTP Detective Constable James Egley said: Its clear from Roberts persistent actions that he is a danger to women and girls, and Im pleased to see him off the network and behind bars.

This was a truly distressing incident for the victim who has shown immense bravery coming forward and giving an account of what happened to her.

No one should be made to feel threatened whilst travelling on the network and we are actively taking serious action against sexual offenders.

I urge anyone who experiences or witnesses sexual harassment or a sexual offence on the railway to report it to BTP by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40. We will always take you seriously.

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