Hull 2022-06-02

Callum Hilton 32

Hull predator targeted young girls for sex.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1910


No fixed address.


A young girl was pressured and bullied into committing degrading sex acts with a predatory 17-year-old who had already taken advantage of another teenage girl three weeks earlier.

She had been left scared that nobody would believe her if she told anyone what Callum Hilton did to her. She kept quiet about what happened for 10 years before finally speaking up, Hull Crown Court heard.

Hilton, now 30, of Hull, admitted causing or inciting a girl to engage in sexual activity on June 21, 2009. Richard Butters, prosecuting, said that Hilton was aged 17 at the time and the girl was 14, with no sexual experience of any sort before the incident.

Hilton kissed her and asked her to commit a sex act on him. Because of her naivety, she did not know how to do that and Hilton showed her and told her: "You do it just like that." He encouraged her to touch him intimately.

"She was of an age where she didn't have a clue what was going on," said Mr Butters. The girl did what Hilton asked.

"She kept all of this to herself for many years," said Mr Butters. It was not until 10 years later, in June 2019, that the girl spoke to a friend and her mother about what happened and the police were alerted.

The victim later said: "I had not had any sexual experience and I had not received any sex education. I didn't even realise it was wrong. I wanted to report what happened to me so many times but I was so scared that I would not be believed.

"It has affected my confidence and self-esteem. I have always tried to block out what happened but had to constantly think about it over the last couple of years. I feel so relieved that it is finally over and I can move on and rebuild my life."

Hilton had a previous conviction for an offence of unlawful sex with another girl, aged 13, committed in 2009 three weeks before this matter. The girl consented to what happened on that occasion but it was illegal because of her age. He had been locked up for six months.

Hilton had been recalled to prison until December on another matter. Richard Thompson, mitigating, said that Hilton was 17 at the time of the sexual matter but had since committed other different offences regularly over the years and was serving the balance of a prison sentence imposed in March 2020.

"He has been in custody for getting on for a over a year now," said Mr Thompson. "He was recalled for breaching his licence conditions. His earliest date of release is December this year."

Hilton was jailed for five months and will have to register as a sex offender for seven years.

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