Cheshire 2022-05-04

Joshua Corless 24

Raped unwell teenager after meeting up on night out.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1772


Widnes, Cheshire


Joshua Corless, who has been caged for 13 years, offered to take the 19-year-old woman home before carrying out a sickening attack.

A predator who took an unwell woman home after a night out went on to subject her to a horrendous sexual assault.

Joshua Corless met up with the group on a night out in 2020 and then raped the defenceless 19-year-old in her own home. The brute offered to take his victim back to her house after she had become extremely unwell.

Corless, offered to walk with the victim, going to her home address before carrying out his despicable attack. The victim reported the incident to police and Corless was arrested and charged with rape.

He initially denied the charge, only changing his plea after the woman went through the trauma of giving evidence in court, according to Lancashire Live.

Corless, from Widnes, has now been jailed for 13 years for the rape and other offences committed in Cheshire.

He has also been made subject of notification requirements - informally known as the sex offenders register - for life.

Det Sgt Diane Higham, of Lancashire Police, said: Joshua Corless is a sexual predator who targeted his victim, exploiting her vulnerable nature for his own depraved ends.

He pursued her, playing on the fact she was unwell to commit a horrendous sex attack.

I must thank the victim for her bravery in reporting the offences and facing her abuser through the court process.

I also wish to place on record my thanks to the investigating officer Det Con Kieran Helps, who fully supported the victim throughout.

This investigation highlights our commitment to preventing and detecting offences of rape and serious sexual assault.

We want victims to feel confident that they will be treated with compassion and that we will do everything possible to trace those responsible and take action against them.

Id like to offer reassurance that any reports of sexual offences, new or old, will be dealt with sensitively, thoroughly and professionally, with the interests of the victims and their families being our priority.

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