Northampton 2022-04-25

Colin McKissock 72

Serial paedophile jailed for a string of historical sex offences.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1699


Previously of Watford


A serial paedophile who lived in Watford has been handed a lengthy jail sentence for a string of historical sex offences.

Colin McKissock, 70, had been found guilty of 11 counts of sexual assault/indecency against a boy aged between 11 and 13 and two sexual assaults on a girl under 14.

They were said to have happened at his Watford home in the 1990s.

A disclosure was made to police by one of the victims in March 2018, after McKissock was jailed over separate child sexual offences committed against two females in Scotland during the 1980s.

He denied the new allegations throughout but following a two-week trial was convicted in early February.

McKissock, who now lives in Northampton, was sentenced at St Albans Crown Court on Tuesday (April 11) to 16 years prison.

He was also given two years additional licence, a lifetime Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and has been placed on the Sex Offenders Register.

Investigator Trevor Acors, who led the case, said: McKissock has shown absolutely no remorse for his actions and cruelly put his victims through a trial.

Though nothing will ever make up for his despicable crimes, I am pleased with the sentence handed down.

He also hailed the victims courage in coming forwards and having to relive their ordeals, as well as a previous victim for again providing evidence.

Any sexual abuse victims have been urged to come forward, no matter how long ago the offences occurred.

Officers can be contacted via 101 or on Herts Polices website.

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