Hull 2022-04-25

Aurimas Turcinavicius 38

Took advantage of the 14-year-old girl and started "messing around" with her.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1684


Milldane, Orchard Park Estate, HU6


A man has been jailed after kissing a teenage girl who suddenly turned up at his home in the "middle of the night".

Aurimas Turcinavicius took advantage of the 14-year-old girl and started "messing around" with her after she went to his home for shelter after a "blazing row" at her home. He ignored a police warning to stay away from her and pictures of the two of them, including one where they were in bed together, were later found on her phone, Hull Crown Court heard.

Turcinavicius, 36, of Milldane, Orchard Park estate, Hull, admitted two offences of sexual activity with a child between August 17 and 27 and between October 26 and 29. The case was originally listed for trial but he changed his pleas two weeks before it was due to start.

David Godfrey, prosecuting, said that Turcinavicius groomed the teenage girl by buying her things and, on two occasions, kissed her in a sexual way. He was interviewed by Humberside Police in August because of concerns about their relationship and was warned about his behaviour, but he went on to commit the second offence.

It happened when she turned up at his home. The girl took pictures of them that seemed to be sexualised and showed them kissing in different locations. "There is one of them in bed together," said Mr Godfrey.

The girl's sister had made a statement saying that the girl had become a lot more introverted since the incidents. The girl herself had not assisted the police and did not want to do so.

Nick Worsley, mitigating, said that Turcinavicius, who is Latvian, claimed that the most that ever happened was that he and the girl kissed a couple of times and that there was no sexual touching. "I kissed her once on her birthday," he claimed. He realised that he should not have done so and he bitterly regretted his behaviour.

Turcinavicius had split up from his long-term girlfriend, with whom he had a four-year-old daughter. He was on good terms with them and had not been able to see them because he had been remanded in custody since the end of October.

"He understands that it has come about through his own actions," said Mr Worsley. "This was some ill-advised kissing on a couple of occasions. It went no further than that."

The reason that the police became involved was because the girl left her home after a "blazing row" and went round to see Turcinavicius in the "middle of the night" for shelter.

The police came knocking there because the girl had gone missing. She had become "not obsessed with him", but was pursuing him.

"It was not deliberate and persistent flouting of a shot across his bows," said Mr Worsley. "This is the girl coming to him when there had been troubles at home."

The girl took photographs of them together. "She jumped on to the bed and took a selfie with him," said Mr Worsley. "It's not him that has taken the photograph. This is not contact that was taken further. It's messing around."

Turcinavicius was hard-working and had always worked, apart from a couple of weeks, and was a "model prisoner" in custody. He had a conviction for criminal damage.

Judge John Thackray QC said that Turcinavicius kissed the girl in a sexual way, using their tongues, in what "used to be called French kissing".

He told Turcinavicius: "You became very close to your 14-year-old victim and you kissed her in a sexual way on two occasions. There was a very significant disparity in age of over 20 years. You continued to have contact with your victim despite a previous warning.

"Only appropriate punishment can be achieved by way of an immediate custodial sentence. It must be an immediate custodial sentence. A clear message must go out in cases like this."

Turcinavicius was jailed for 16 months. He was given a 10-year sexual harm prevention order and must register as a sex offender for 10 years.

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