London 2018-04-13

Anthony Allen 33

Scout leader sexually abused childern as young as eight.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1605


Plaistow, London, E13


One boy was abused up to 100 times

A scout leader who preyed on young boys at various camps has been jailed for 11 years.

The sex offender abused the victims, as young as eight, at their homes and scout clubs across Essex.

Anthony Allen (Antony Allen), 27, of Plaistow, Newham, was sentenced for six offences of sexual assault of a child under the age of 13, and six offences of sexual activity with a child under 15.

The charges relate to eight children from the 25th Newham East Scout Group, that Allen had volunteered at for ten years, until he was suspended last year pending the investigation.

The offences took place against victims, all boys aged between eight and 16, who were abused at varying times over a four-year period between January 2013 and September 2017. They occurred at different locations, including home addresses and scout camps in Essex, Kent and Wales.

During the period of abuse, Allen worked as a teaching assistant for a year and then a learning mentor at a primary school.

The investigation was first triggered when one of his victims, realising that his younger brother was due to move up from cubs to Allen's scout group and would also be at risk, told his mother he had to get him out of scouts in a bid to protect him.

His mother initially viewed this comment as a joke, but after her elder son repeated allegations to other relatives she got the police involved.

The first formal complaint led to other victims coming forward and contacting police.

The investigation

Allen also enlisted as a volunteer in the Army Reserves and was deployed in Estonia for training with his unit, 7 Rifles G Company, who are based in West Ham, when the allegations first surfaced.

When police identified Allen he was abroad with his army unit and he was flown back to England for questioning.

He was arrested at Heathrow Airport in mid-September 2017, interviewed and then released on bail.

He then temporarily disappeared after leaving 'suicide notes' at several of his victims' houses.

Allen's computer was seized from his home address and he was arrested over offences relating to making and possessing images and videos.

During the trial the prosecution outlined examples of Allen grooming different boys, firstly by initiating text message conversations which would begin as banter, which would then progress to inappropriate chat focusing on male physique, and progress again to explicitly sexual language.

One tactic the predator used was to ask victims to send him photos of them exercising their bodies as evidence for their progress towards a so-called 'fitness' badge.

He took advantage of the close physical proximity fostered by seasonal scout camping trips. He would surprise victims in the toilets or persuade them into his tent under the false shield of seeking support while the young boys were away from home, but they were then trapped by Allen into unwanted physical intimacy.

He abused his victims 'hundreds of times'

One boy, who was first assaulted by Allen at the age of 10, estimated sexual touching had occurred on 60 to 100 occasions.

Allen also used the technique where he would insinuate himself into the wider family by befriending parents and children to win their trust. Parents consistently told police how helpful and supportive he was, assisting with errands and taking the children out for day trips, leading officers to note they had been equally groomed.

One one occasion Allen assaulted a 13-year-old victim in his own bedroom while the boy's mother and younger sibling were downstairs in the garden.

Another victim came forward to police and said Allen was looked up to as a role model by members of the group and several, including himself, viewed him as a second father.

One victim called him 'dad' as he was taken out ad about by Allen just as a parent would.

Another boy was so embarrassed at the memory of the explicitly sexual suggestions that Allen had made to him that he was unable to say them out loud and had to write them on a note he handed to officers.

Victim's mother said: "Allen scarred him mentally for life"

A mother of one of the younger victims spoke after court, she said: "Im really hurt by what Antony has done as he has taken what can never be replaced. His actions have impacted on our day to day lives as he didnt just abuse him physically but has scarred him mentally for life.

"He has left us shocked to the core and we will never trust anyone again. He had a group of children that was full of life and working towards bettering themselves and their community but took this opportunity to gain trust then abuse it.

"My heart goes out to the families of all the victims that have been taken in and had their trust abused.

"I cant thank the police enough for all they have done to get this conviction - they have been amazing to me and to the child victims."

PC Bruce Upson, Met Officer who led the investigation, praised the bravery of the young boys who helped bring Allen to account.

Upson, from the Child Abuse and Sexual Offences Command, said: "These children have shown great courage throughout the investigation. Their actions in finding the strength to come forward and report the matter has prevented other potential offences occurring.

"Allen was a predatory offender who used his well-established position as a scout leader to gain access to children and commit sexual offences against them whilst along the way earning the respect and trust of families.

"If there is anyone else out there who believes they or someone they are close to may also have been a victim of Allen, I would urge them to contact us a soon as possible on our dedicated NSPCC hotline number of 0800 048 0278 quoting Operation Stanhope.

The Charges

Allen first appeared at Thames Magistrates' Court on October 4, 2017, where he was remanded to attended the Old Baily on November 1, 2017.

He appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Friday, April 13 and sentenced for a total of 11 years for 12 sexual offences involving minors, as well as, making 30 Category C images of children he know, possession of three category A images, 28 Category B images and 611 Categeory C images. These also included one Category A video, and ten Category B videos.

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