Hull 2022-04-07

Danny Bailey 22

Teenage triple rapist told schoolgirl he would 'chop her up and put her in Nan's freezer'.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1519


Newlyn Close, Hessle, HU13 9EE


A dangerous teenage triple rapist twice had sex with a terrified and vulnerable 13-year-old girl as well as another poorly girl of 14 before threatening to kill, chop up and bury a third girl.

One of sex offender Danny Bailey's rape victims "may never fully recover from the effects" of her ordeal and he posed a high risk to children, especially young girls, in the future, a court heard. He was aged just 15 at the time of the first rape and was 18 for the second two rapes and his behaviour had a "significant effect" on all three victims, Hull Crown Court heard.

He taunted the first rape victim and "made her life a misery" by his later "victim blaming" of her. Bailey, now 20, of Newly Close, Hessle, admitted three offences of rape against the two girls and another offence of harassing a third girl. He was locked up for 10-and-a-half years on Thursday after a lengthy investigation by Humberside Police.

Megan Rhys, prosecuting, said that Bailey was 15 at the time and one of the girls was 14 when he raped her in December 2016 even though she was feeling ill. He kissed and cuddled her before having sex with her, even though she had said she did not want to do so.

"She froze as it took place," said Miss Rhys. "At the time of the offence, she did not, in fact, realise that what he had done was rape her. She told her mother what he had done to her. The defendant told people that she was lying. He called her deluded.

The girl later said: "It took time for me to understand what Danny Bailey had done to me. I am not physically afraid of Danny. I would stand my ground. I feel relieved that it is over."

The second girl was aged 13 at the time and Bailey was 18 in September 2019. She was particularly vulnerable and thought that he was a new friend for her. They were in his bedroom chatting when he kept touching her more in a friendly way. "She thought that he was being nice and trying to make her feel better," said Miss Rhys.

A few days later, he asked her if she wanted to meet and they went to his house, where he pulled down her leggings and underwear and had sex with her.

On a second occasion in January 2020, she agreed to go to his house but he kept grabbing her by her wrists, told her that he could kill her if he wanted and put his hands around her throat. Bailey pushed the girl on to the bed and she hoped that he would stop being violent.

He had sex with her. "She told him that he was a rapist," said Miss Rhys. "She didn't tell anybody about what happened at the time." The girl later said: "When I met Danny, I was vulnerable and he made me feel better. The first time that Danny broke my trust, I thought that it was my fault. It is still causing me a great deal of stress. The second time, I felt more violated.

"After the second time, I knew things were getting worse for my mental health. I felt like it was a forever problem. I think what Danny did has had a huge impact on this. My brain now works very differently.

"People are scared to say stuff to me in case I take it badly. All of my emotions are at the extreme end of what they can be. What Danny did has made me lose friendships but my parents have stuck with me."

The harassment of the third girl, aged 17 at the time, happened when Bailey started acting strangely with her and became aggressive and threatening to her after she heard rumours that he had raped two other girls.

He threatened to throw her off a bridge where they had been walking, kill her and chop her up before putting her in his freezer.

He later warned her: "You're my next victim" and again told her that he would kill her, chop her up and put her in his Nan's freezer. On another occasion, he rode his bicycle aggressively at her, pushing it against her leg and riding into her.

The girl telephoned 999 but Bailey continued to follow her and shouted at her before using his shoulder to push her into a bush.

"During this, she felt absolutely terrified," said Miss Rhys. "Her heart was racing and she just wanted to get home." Miss Rhys said the victim later said: "I can't understand why Bailey would do this to me and I just want him to leave me alone."

Richard Thompson, mitigating, said that Bailey pleaded guilty at an early stage and had shown remorse. He had no previous convictions. "He apologises to the victims of these offences for what he has done," said Mr Thompson. "He says that what he did to them was dishonest and also cruel and he wants to understand what it is about him that has resulted in him committing these offences.

"None of the thoughts were acted upon. He did not behave violently to any of his victims or not to the extent those thoughts might suggest. He went looking for help." Bailey accepted that his behaviour during the harassment was unpleasant and he had said of the victims: "I know that they deserve justice and that I deserve punishment."

Judge John Thackray QC said that Bailey raped the first girl at a time when she was "entitled to feel safe and secure" in his presence. "You raped her when she was unwell and you ignored her pleas for you to stop as she cried," said Judge Thackray. "You made her life a misery and embarked on victim blaming."

The victim of the two later rapes was "undoubtedly a vulnerable young girl" with mental health issues and Bailey lied to her about his age.

'Within a very short space of time, a matter of weeks, you raped her again," said Judge Thackray. "She must have been terrified. You told her that you could kill her if you wanted and you put your hands around her throat, you put her phone out of reach and you raped her. You followed that with aggression.

"Your offending affects every aspect of her life. She may never fully recover from the effects of your offending."

Bailey's behaviour towards the third girl was "worrying in the extreme" because he made "appalling threats" to her, telling her that he would kill her, chop her up and bury her.

"Your conduct has had a significant effect upon all of your victims," said Judge Thackray.

Bailey was sent to a young offenders' institution for 10-and-a-half years and he will be on extended licence of seven years after his release after being branded a dangerous offender.

He was given an indefinite sexual harm prevention order, an indefinite restraining order and will have to register as a sex offender indefinitely.

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