Hull 2022-03-21

Gerald Kelly 64

Nex assault on woman at Hull Caffè Nero after he was refused free drink.

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Offender ID: O-1286


Hull, East Yorkshire


An abusive and violent wheelchair user caused chaos at a coffee shop when he turned nasty and started shouting and bawling after he demanded free drinks but was refused.

Bad-tempered and aggressive Gerald Kelly "goosed" a woman in a "grossly unpleasant" sexual assault. He told her: "I will f*** you. It's been a while since I had a girl."

His long list of crime since 1980 included more than 170 offences. He simply did not know how to behave, Hull Crown Court heard. Kelly, 62, of Hull, admitted sexual assault and three offences of assault on December 21.

Charlotte Baines, prosecuting, said that security staff at At Stephen's shopping centre, Hull, were alerted at 5.45pm about a disturbance at the busy Caffe Nero coffee shop outside the centre. Kelly, who was in a wheelchair, was being abusive and was shouting and swearing to staff, including saying "Nazi" and "c***".

He had been asking for free drinks and he became abusive when this was refused. Kelly had previously been banned from St Stephen's and the coffee shop and he was asked to go outside to calm down but he shouted to a woman: "Nazi b****. I'm going to kill you."

He refused to leave and was shouting and swearing at two security officers and one of them took hold of his wheelchair to escort him away but he began to lash out with his arms. A female security officer was hit several times and Kelly used his wheelchair to hit them deliberately as they tried to restrain him.

Two male security staff tried to stop Kelly's behaviour but he continued to lash out and be abusive. Kelly told a woman: "I will f*** you. It's been a while since I had a girl." He touched her intimately, put his arm round the back of her and grabbed her.

He also spat at her and a male security officer as well as hitting them in the face. Kelly was aggressive and began to resist but was taken to the ground and a spit guard was put around him. He was taken to Clough Road police station but continued to be aggressive.

Kelly had convictions for 172 previous offences, dating back to 1980, and they included sexual assault, 24 assaults, 40 for public order matters and others breaching an antisocial behaviour order. Cathy Kioko-Gilligan, mitigating, said that Kelly realised that his behaviour would have caused distress to those involved and members of the public.

"He is truly sorry and acknowledges that his behaviour was abhorrent and disgraceful," said Miss Kioko-Gilligan. "He is remorseful and acknowledges that he has problems with alcohol and problems that have been long-standing.

"He came to Hull in 2017 and hoped that he would be able to rid himself of that demon but, sadly, that did not happen. He must address and rid himself of his demon alcohol.

"He is committed to changing his ways. He is hopeful for the future. Judge Mark Bury told Kelly: You were, not for the first time, extremely abusive. You simply do not know how to behave.

This behaviour, in a wheelchair or not, is simply intolerable.

The sexual assault on the woman was "grossly unpleasant and Kelly goosed her in a humiliating fashion". Kelly was jailed for 16 months and will have to register as a sex offender for seven years.

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