Newark 2017-05-31

David John Clarkson 56

Possessed sexually-explicit images of children.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1273


Yorke Drive, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24


A man caught with sexually-explicit images of children after police were tipped off by a paedophile hunter will serve an extra two weeks in jail for wasting court time.

David John Clarkson, of Yorke Drive, Newark, chatted with teenage girls online and persuaded one of them to meet him before taking indecent photographs of her wearing lingerie.

The 49-year-old also swapped explicit images with another girl and shared pictures with a woman he met on a swingers website.

Clarkson was jailed for 4 years at Nottingham Crown Court in October last year, after admitting a string of offences.

Clarkson tried to have his sentence cut at the Court of Appeal, in London, arguing it was too tough.

But he instead found himself with an extra two weeks jail time, after top judges ruled against him.

Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb said remarks made to a probation officer showed he continues to have little insight into the pernicious nature of his activity and he continues to blame others.

Dismissing his appeal, the judge said: It cannot be arguable that the sentence was manifestly excessive.

Sitting with Lady Justice Sharp and Mr Justice Warby, she ordered Clarkson to serve an extra two weeks behind bars as punishment for wasting judicial time.

She said: The court has but one means of discouraging unmeritorious applications, which waste precious time and resources, and that is by using the powers to make a loss of time order.

We make a loss of time order in this case of 14 days.

At his sentencing hearing at Nottingham Crown Court, the prosecutor, Mr Kevin Jones, said Clarkson told police he blamed his actions on the girls parents for not properly monitoring their internet usage.

Clarkson met his victims on Facebook or on an adult introduction website. He encouraged them to move on to a messenger service that was unregulated.

'She found him creepy and weird'

Mr Jones said police tracked his first victim, a 15-year-old girl, to Derby.

She used Facebook and said random people would add themselves to her account, he said.

One such person was David Clarkson.

He collected her in Derby. When she met him, he wasnt what she expected.

The photo was noticeably different to the reality.

She found him creepy and weird and said it didnt feel right, but she travelled back with him (to Newark) in his car.

He produced clothing in packages, which he said was in her size. It was a baby-doll outfit.

She got fully undressed and put on the outfit.

He produced a camera from nowhere and commenced taking pictures.

Mr Jones said in an online chat Clarkson called a second under-age girl a hot little number.

He said Clarkson was aware of the girls ages.

He exchanged sexually-explicit messages and pictures with a second underage victim.

Mr Jones said Clarkson told a third girl, who sent him sexually-explicit photographs and one of her performing a sex act on herself, he was going to jail because she was 14.

He said maybe he should get a ferry to France a reference to a high-profile case in which a school teacher absconded abroad with an under-age girl.

Clarkson sent the third girl a sexually-explicit picture of the first victim.

Paedophile hunter

He contacted someone he believed to have been a 13-year-old called Jodie and sent a near-naked picture of the third victim.

Jodie, however, was the male paedophile hunter, who reported Clarkson to the police, said Mr Jones.

Clarkson pleaded guilty to 15 charges relating to the possession and distribution of indecent images, inciting sexual activity and the sexual exploitation of minors, as well as inciting sexual activity over a webcam.

A female co-accused, who Clarkson met on a swingers website and went on to have a relationship with, admitted possession of five indecent images of under-age girls.

Clarkson told her to destroy computer equipment following his arrest.

Clarkson must sign on the sex offenders register for life. His co-accused must sign for five years and was sentenced to a three-year community order.

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