Blackpool 2022-03-15

Ian Nixon 59

Rapist who abused 6 year old boy three decades ago.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1238


No fixed address.


A man who was abused by a rapist in Rochdale when aged just six-years-old has helped us jail his abuser after bravely giving significant evidence over three decades on from the incident.

Ian Nixon now aged 57 was sentenced to over 13 years in prison yesterday after pleading guilty to three offences including a rape from 1988.

Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court heard that Nixon abused the boy at a house in Rochdale when he was expected to look after him on three occasions between January 1988 and December 1989.

The victim contacted police to report the abuse in the summer of 2019 and was able to give us graphic detail of a number of incidents that he was subjected to by Nixon during the period of offending.

Detectives from our Rochdale districts Child Protection Investigation Unit soon interviewed Nixon who was now living in Blackpool where he claimed he didnt remember the victim and he couldnt recall the incidents that had been described by the victim; but didnt deny that they had occurred.

Nixon, currently of no fixed address, was later charged with buggery, indecent assault and gross indecency before pleading guilty in December last year

He has now been ordered to serve 13 years and four months in jail and has been made to sign the sex offenders register.

The victim now in his 30s has been offered continuous support from specialist officers and partner agencies throughout the case.

Detective Constable Dave Neil, of GMP Rochdales Child Protection Investigation Unit, said: Firstly, I have to pay tribute to the patience and stoicism of the survivor of this depraved abuse, as it is his bravery when coming forward and the subsequent detail of his evidence that has ensured Nixon will now rightly spend many years behind bars.

The campaign of sexual abuse that Nixon subjected his young and vulnerable victim to when he was supposed to be in his care was utterly appalling and something the boy has had to grow up dealing with mentally and emotionally all the way up to adulthood.

Its clear that no abuser can escape the consequences of their actions, no matter how long ago their offending was, and we will do our utmost to bring anyone responsible for such deplorable abuse to justice; while doing all we can with our partners to listen and support any victim of recent or non-recent sexual harm.

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