Bradford 2022-03-07

Mohammed Eithan Khan 25

Sex chat pervert talked about doing ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ with an under-age girl.

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Offender ID: O-1123


Great Horton Road, Bradford


A sex chat pervert who talked about doing Fifty Shades of Grey with an under-age girl has been jailed for a total of 23 months.

Mohammed Eithan Khan said he would take the teenagers virginity during online chats and asked her to send him photos of herself in her school uniform or naked.

Khan, 23, of Great Horton Road, Bradford, admitted a charge of engaging in sexual communication with a child and he also pleaded guilty to separate charges of possessing indecent images of children.

Bradford Crown Court heard today that the offending took place at a time when Khan had issues with loneliness and was isolated from reality. The court heard that he had kept out of trouble since.

But Recorder Jason Pitter QC said that only an immediate custodial sentence was appropriate.

Khan had initiated the contact with the under-age girl and had communicated with her over a period of about three months.

You must have been aware how young she was, he said.

You deliberately sexualised even simple conversations making her feel uncomfortable, telling her that you would take her virginity.

The conversations became increasingly sexualised and you made reference to the film Fifty Shades of Grey.

After his arrest Khan denied having any intention of carrying out the acts referred to in the messages sent to his victim.

The court heard that the indecent images downloaded by him involved female children aged between five and 14.

What is of particular concern to me is that there appears to be a lack of true remorse for your actions and an inability to engage with the reasons behind your offending, the recorder said.

Khan was jailed for 14 months for sexual communication with a child and an additional nine months, to run consecutively, for the possession of indecent images.

He will have to register as a sex offender with the police for the next ten years and comply with a sexual harm prevention order for the same period.

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