Hull 2022-03-07

Glenn Overton-Wilkinson 61

Manipulated a young girl into having highly intrusive pictures taken of her after he pretended that they were going to be sent to a doctor.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1110


Waterside Road, Beverley, HU17


A depraved and "deviant" sex offender "manipulated" a young girl into having highly intrusive pictures taken of her after he pretended that they were going to be sent to a doctor.

Perverted and scheming Glenn Overton-Wilkinson used a tiny probing camera with a hot light on the end of it that burned the vulnerable young victim's intimate areas.

He told the girl that the images sent to the doctor would be used to help other young girls who had intimate body problems, Hull Crown Court heard.

Overton-Wilkinson, 59, of Waterside Road, Beverley, admitted assault by penetration, causing a girl to allow him to take indecent photographs of her and possessing indecent images of children between May 2016 and November 2019.

Simon Reevell, prosecuting, said that Overton-Wilkinson used a tiny camera to take intimate images of the young girl.

He pretended that taking the pictures was to help other girls with problems in that area of their body and that the images would be sent to a doctor.

The tiny camera had a light on the end that was hot and this burned an area of her private parts.

The matters were discovered when police received information that Overton-Wilkinson had been accessing child pornography.

They found that he had about 3,000 indecent images, including videos, of other children.

Overton-Wilkinson had developed an "obsession" with the girl and made threats to her about what would happen if the offences were reported.

He had a previous conviction from nearly 20 years ago for possessing indecent images of children.

"He acknowledged that he was sexually interested in children," said Mr Reevell.

Judge David Tremberg told Overton-Wilkinson that the community order that he received then was not enough to "curb your sexual interest in children".

He had an "entrenched" and long-standing "deviant sexual interest" in children.

"You could not have failed to realise that, if you committed like offences again, let alone progressed to contact offences, you would get locked up for those for a long time," said Judge Tremberg.

"Yet you proved yourself either unable or unwilling to stop yourself from doing just that."

Overton-Wilkinson "manipulated" the girl, who was "vulnerable by reason of her age, naivety, gullibility and her exposure to you", and the offences were persistent over a prolonged period.

"There really was no respite for this child," said Judge Tremberg.

"You didn't end this because you wanted to. This all ended because you were caught.

"There is a significant possibility that, had matters been permitted to progress without the engagement and involvement of the police, things could have got worse and worse.

"She has suffered significant harm." The girl would grow up and realise the "depravity" to which Overton-Wilkinson subjected her and she felt "shame and humiliation".

It could take "years or decades" for the effects of the "emotional trauma" to play out.

"You well knew what you were doing was seriously wrong," said Judge Tremberg.

"You used grooming and manipulative techniques. You persuaded the child not to tell.

"There was clearly an element of significant planning about this."

David Godfrey, mitigating, said: "He did make admissions in his interview. He has a degree of understanding as to why he commits these types of offences.

"He made some startling admissions to the police. It was deplorable, it was awful. He rightly accepts that.

"He does feel shame and regret at what he has done and he bitterly regrets his behaviour and his disgraceful loss of control. He is sorry."

Overton-Wilkinson was jailed for nine years and will be on extended licence of one year after his release from prison.

He was given an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

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