Newcastle 2022-03-02

Adam Webb 28

High risk predatory paedophile searched for 'children's homes' on secret phone.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1081


Ozanam House, Dunholme Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4


Adam Webb, of Newcastle, who has a history of sex attacks on young girls, made disturbing searches on a phone he wasn't meant to have

A predatory paedophile had made a series of disturbing searches on a secret phone - including looking for "children's homes in Newcastle".

Adam Webb was already subject to restrictions after committing serious sex offences, including against two girls aged six and eight in 2014.

Having breached a sexual harm prevention order previously, he has now been back in court for doing it again.

He had acquired one mobile phone without telling police, as he was required to do, then failed to provide the pass code for another phone.

A search of the first phone uncovered a number of disturbing searches had been made.

These included "teen porn", "schoolgirls", "British schoolgirl rape porn", "under skirt little girl" "children's homes in Newcastle", "famous paedophiles" and "how to clean your phone".

Now Webb, 26, of Ozanam House Newcastle, who is classed as a danger to children, has been sent back to prison for three years at Newcastle Crown Court after admitting two breaches of the sexual harm prevention order.

Recorder Geraldine Kelly told him: "How you behaved in relation to those phones, keeping possession of one from the officers and refusing to hand over the pass code, making those searches followed by a search of how to clean your phone, is entirely in keeping with how the probation officer finds you to be during your recent supervision by them.

"They have noted how deceitful you are in order to avoid the consequences of that order.

"The purpose is to keep children safe from your sexual offending and you seem to be determined in trying to avoid that order.

"You are a high risk to children."

The court heard he has 12 previous convictions, all for sex offences or breaches of orders aimed at stopping his offending and was on licence at the time of the latest offences.

In the 2014 offences, he was convicted of sexual assault, causing a child to engage in sexual activity and sexual activity in the presence of a child.

He approached the little girls, who were unknown to him, committed a sex act in front of them and asked them to touch him intimately, which they did not.

He then sexually assaulted one of them.

Mark Harrison, defending, said: "He says he was not the owner of the phone throughout the period and it was given to him by a friend to sell on."

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