Newcastle 2022-03-01

Ian Chapel 41

Posted private sexual footage of the woman on Snapchat.

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Offender ID: O-1070


Winskell Road, South Shields, Tyne And Wear, NE34


Ian Chapel, of South Shields, who was angry at not being able to see his children after the end of his relationship, posted private sexual footage of the woman on Snapchat

A mum was horrified to be told by her son that his dad had posted a private sexual video of her online.

Ian Chapel was devastated at being unable to see his children after the breakdown of his long term relationship when he sought to humiliate his former partner.

A court heard he posted the footage, which the woman had sent him years earlier while they were together and told him to delete it afterwards, on Snapchat.

A friend of one of their son's saw it and told his pal, who told his mother.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the couple had been together for around 18 years until they split up and they have four children.

Initially, Chapel had contact with the youngsters but this was stopped after arguments.

In July last year, the woman got a text from a friend saying Chapel had posted things about her on Instagram.

On a page open to the public, he had called her a s**g and a s**t and accused her of having affairs, said she was not letting him see the children and said he wanted to kill himself.

He also posted a court letter with the woman's name and her mother's name on it.

Then on July 10 she was told by her teenage son about the intimate video being posted by Chapel on Snapchat.

The woman had blocked Chapel but asked her friend to check and she confirmed the video was there.

There was also a video of him saying he hoped she got attacked with acid at work and he threatened to print leaflets if he didn't get to see his children.

In a victim impact statement, the woman said: "I feel degraded, harassed, alarmed, distressed and violated because that video was private to me.

"I didn't think he would still have it, it's from years ago.

"This has left me feeling like a broken woman, I feel deflated.

"I've been made to feel dirty, knowing my two eldest sons are aware of this.

"I'm quite anxious about what's going to happen. He threatened me on Snapchat and said he will not stop. I'm constantly watching my back. I've had cameras put up because I fear for my safety."

Chapel, 39, of Winskell Road, South Shields, who has 34 previous convictions, pleaded guilty to disclosing a private sexual picture and harassment.

He was sentenced to 12 months suspended for 18 months with 150 hours unpaid work, 200 compensation and a five year restraining order.

Recorder Geraldine Kelly told him: "You were so angry about not seeing your children you chose to intimidate, manipulate and humiliate her.

"Your son was told by his friend about an intimate sexual video you posted. Your teenage son. What an awful experience for him to have to go through."

Referring to the comment about acid, the judge said: "The venom in your delivery is palpable."

She added: "It's clear the end of this relationship has broken you but it's not an excuse.

"Your distress is evident but it's something you are going to have to get over."

Fiona Lamb, defending, said Chapel has been left "heartbroken" at not being able to see his children after his contact with them broke down.

She told the court: "The complainant may have her own reasons for that and I don't seek to blame her but the effect on the defendant has been he has been extremely depressed for the past few years and he has tried to commit suicide on a number of occasions.

"He is angry, no doubt, but very, very upset.

"I'm not saying that excuses, in any way, shape or form what he did but I hope your honour will take it into account.

"It appears he was utterly desperate and didn't know what else to do."

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