Newcastle 2022-03-02

Philip Browne 43

Convicted sex offender who set up fake profiles on chat sites was snared by paedophile hunters posing as underage girls.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1065


Albert Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2


A convicted sex offender who set up fake profiles on chat sites was snared by paedophile hunters posing as underage girls.

Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard that Phillip Browne even pretended to be his own sister to try to persuade one 14-year-old to become his boyfriend.

He sent her a photo of his penis and provided an address in Fenton.

Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire headlines

But 41-year-old Browne was rumbled when the vigilantes turned up at his bail hostel in Newcastle.

Nick Tatlow, prosecuting, said they were trying to stage a confrontation. Police were called and his accommodation was searched.

Now the defendant, of Albert Street, Newcastle, has been jailed for 36 months.

He admitted three counts of breaching a sexual harm prevention order (SHPO), four counts of attempting to breach the order, and two counts of failing to comply with notification requirements.

The court was told Browne had been sentenced to two years in prison in March last year for similar breaches. He was released on licence on October 29.

A risk assessor visited him to talk through the requirements of the SHPO, which had been imposed for an indefinite period. He provided details of his mobile phone, SIM card and an Xbox console, said Mr Tatlow.

The assessor made several further visits. One of them was prompted by Browne saying he want to chat to females. The SHPO was explained to him again.

But by January, he had secretly bought a smartphone and was using it to set up the fake profiles online. The profile names he used included Phil Bro and Sarah.

The first person he contacted on the chat site was Scarlet, a decoy profile set up by vigilantes. She purported to be aged 14.

Mr Tatlow said: The conversations with Scarlet were not overtly sexual. He said he liked her and wanted her to be his girlfriend.

The conversation moved to WhatsApp. Browne claimed to have a 14-year-old sister who passed as a 20-year-old. He then posed as Sarah, who was supposedly his sister, to contact the girl.

Other females targeted included Amber and Lexi-Mae, who both claimed to be aged 13. He asked one of the girls: What do you think of me as a BF (boyfriend) type of thing?

He then switched between two fake profiles - Phil Bro and Sarah to strike up a conversation with a girl who claimed to be 14. It was this person who received a photograph of Brownes private parts.

During the police search of Brownes address, a smartphone was recovered.

The WhatsApp chat log on that Huawei phone showed a deleted conversation with Scarlet, added Mr Tatlow.

In interview, Browne said he committed the offences so he could go back to prison.

Brian Williams, mitigating, described him as disarmingly honest and said the defendant was desperate to get onto a course to address his behaviour.

He wants some help, his barrister added.

Sentencing him, Record Anthony Warner said the offences were part of a pattern of behaviour.

He told Browne: "Youve been identified as someone of high risk of serious harm against exactly the sort of people identified in this case, namely young girls to whom you are attracted.

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